Hannibal vs Attila

I havent seen Hannibal yet (I just got it the other day). But for anyone who has seen the Attila movie (the one with Gerad Butler), hows do the two flics compare? I thought the Attial movie was okay....but totally off on accuracy. And they should of cast more accurate looking Huns. How historically accurate is Hannibal?


Hannibal would win, because he's a military genius and has elephants. Attila only relied on shere brute streight to overcome his adversairies.

Kinda like the mongols did. His puny archer cavalry will lose against the well disciplined cartaginian troops. They were trained to duck like no other.

signature :

...something deep and overwhelming...


you are very stupid
the mognols had supreme military tactics and their ability to shoot and ride at the same time was their strength
u have forgotten the way they charged an enemy and pretending to flee thus elluding them into a trap

dont undersetimate those nomads


you guys are both stupid for not understanding the OPs question

but i agree with poagola.

as far as accuracy and the entertainment value is concerned, hannibal wins hands down. I really didn't like attila that much. If they were going to make it inaccurate, at least make it entertaining.


This is easily more accurate because it's a docudrama as opposed to a movie...but i wouldn't say this is perfect...
