MovieChat Forums > Meerkat Manor Discussion > What happened to shakesphere?

What happened to shakesphere?

Only seen the first season, someone told me he dies in the second. Is this true?


More than likely yes. They never found his body one really knows 100%

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Shakespeare disappeared one day and the researchers haven't seen him since. However this does not mean that he has died, as there are many, many wild unhabituated and unfollowed mob that live outside the research area that he may have joined or helped formed. The dye marks they use for identifying the meerkats wear off after a couple of weeks (they reapply them regularly) and if a previously habituated meerkat is with wild meerkats, it would make it too hard to approach the habituated one to scan their chip without spooking them all off. Sadly it is the fate of 60% of the habituated meerkat population that they will disappear while evicted (females) or roving (males) or in small groups (evicted females or group splits) and never been seen. Not to mention, all the groups that some habituated meerkats are seen founding that the researchers can't follow due to shortage of supplies, like radio collars, and help. Habituating a group takes a lot of time, patience and there are not really enough researchers to keep up with all the groups formed from evicted females and wild males, so some aren't followed after they are formed. (Otherwise there would be hundreds of mobs for them to visit each and every day.)

Interesting fact, the meerkat at the end of Season 1, protecting the pups isn't Shakespeare like they said, it was in fact a female and she was fine at the end of the attack as were all the pups.

Hope this helps.


Interesting. Why do they make up stories about the meerkats like that? They did show a injured meerkat. Which one was that?

I wonder if they allow tours there. My BF is taking me to South Africa and I would love to at least see them.


They showed an injured Shakespeare in Season one, the very first episode, he had been bitten by a puff adder, but recovered from that and then disappeared..Is that the one you are talking about?

If you join the Friends Burrow on FKMP (Membership price varies from what package you want and the money goes to the researchers for equipment) they offer Friend Trips...You have to pay for the plane trip and everything but you get to stay at the cabins the researchers are at and get to go out with them for two whole weeks!...I think there are two or three friend trips a year for 6 people each trip


Wow! That sounds like a great trip!

And yes, that was the episode I was talking about. Where Shakespear was bitten. They showed his sister staying at the burrow to help him.

I now have to watch it all again...I'm going to try to match up names from your posts to the episodes.

You wouldn't happen to know if they are going to have any new shows, would you? Also, what's a good resource on the net for MM?

Thanks again!


I get my information about the 'kats that are on MM from KMP and FKMP...KMP is Kalahari Meerkat Project's site and FKMP is Friends of the Kalahari Meerkat Project ...There are namelists, groups descriptions, territory maps, and life history reports from April 2007 until April 2009...May 2009's will be up sometime this month...

If you would like to know some really good roleplaying sites, where you can rp as a meerkat in a mob there are a few that I know of

1. ...This is my site, it has many mobs to join

2. ...This is a new site created by a friend of mine...there are 7 mobs there to choose from.

3. ...This is a new site created by another friend of mine...There are 5 mobs there to choose from with many adoptable characters

4. ...This is another new site that another friend of mine started...there are 5 mobs to choose from


How does someone roleplay as a meerkat? Sounds interesting.


it's actually quite simple once you get the hang of it, you create a character, give it a gender and a name and a personality and just type in what they are doing...For example here is a possible interaction between some of my characters...In the Lavas, I have Volcanopaw (Dominant Female and Mertle Sub female and more)...the lavas are a particularly mean-spirited group, there are nicer groups

[boldVolcanopaw wakes up in a particularly grumpy mood today and soon she sees Mertle emerging...Mertle has broken the rules lately and mated and is now pregnant with her second litter...Even though she isn't true for a little while, Volcanopaw is still deciding if she wants to evict the insubordinate female or not..For now she hip-slams and tail-bites her viciously to let her know that she is on the watch list.

Demona emerges after her mother, and sees Volcanopaw discipline her mother...She doesn't pay any attention to that but instead looks around for her cousin, Voldemort..But she doesn't see him or his sister, Poison...However she does spot Warpath...Ever since the death of Voldemort and Poison's little sister, Tundra the pups have separated from each other...Some support Poison and some Voldemort...Demona chose to believe that Voldemort did not kill his sister and has become his loyal follower while Warpath has chosen Poison...After a while, Demona runs and leaps on Warpath.[/bold]


OMG!! That sounds so fun! I want to try. How can I join?


just go to one the links I gave for one of the site, register (they are all free)...they all have a forum to introduce yourself as a new member, you can start adopting and creating characters after that...:)...

Linklus site (my site):
Desert Warriors:
Storms on the Horizon:
Meerkat Heaven:

I am a member on all these sites and post regularly, so you will know at least one person on them when you join :)

