Season 5

So does anyone know whether or not there will be a season 5 of Meerkat Manor. I don't know what I would do if they took this show off the air. Thanks to anyone who answers this post.


Animal Planet said it has 'postponed' filming season 5. They said they want to take time off to 'come up with new ideas and directions' for the show.

Now that AP has put Meerkat Manor back on TV(M-F 3pm US Eatern time) my hope is there might be an announcement for season 5! I also hope AP has got the message that MM fans want Sean Astin back as narrator. It was a big mistake of theirs(Animal Planet's) for chasing him off!

(If you did not know, Sean Astin was excited about doing season 4, but AP told him NO and that they wanted to have a female narrator since Meerkats mobs are dominated by a female)


I'd love to have them re-direct the show. What if they focused on Meerkats in a certain zoo and how they adapt to that environment. At least, certain meerkats would not die in that case, but there might still be other types of interaction so we could actually compare life in the wild vs. life in a zoo...


There are more variables in the life of wild meerkats(wild animals in general) compared to a Zoo. I think it would be extremely boring watching zoo animals hour-after-hour. Zoo meerkats are contained so they do not initiate burrow moves, never encounter other animals or rivals. I hate the death, disappearance or injury of any meerkat, but it is apart of real life.


That wasn't my point. We've watched the meerkats for 4 seasons and now it is slightly becoming boring as they seem to be repeating actions in the past. I was just suggesting something a little different for Season 5, if indeed there will be a Season 5.


Personally I can't wait until Season 5, I am hoping they decide to film soon since all the groups are now settling down again...I want to see Ella and Thundercat as dominants of the Whiskers so much that I don't care if they are called Sophie and Squeak or Sophie and Wilson. (I'm pretty sure that Ella will keep her new "Sophie" status but will Thundercat keep his old "Squeak" identity or will he become the new "Wilson")...And I want to see Mozart's son Wollow as Dominant Male in Lazuli next to Young...I would love to see Miss Lilly the Pink ruling over Toyota but I know they most likely won't be shown on MM.


Sean Astin was GREAT! When Stockard Channing was narrating I felt like I was being read a children's book. Sean Astin's whimsical sounding narration really brought you more in touch with the Meerkats.

Anxiously awaiting Season 5....

~Free the West Memphis 3~


I agree with you...they should bring Sean Astin back...


Does anyone find it funny that they're postponing to find new "directions" for the show? If this show is true reality, there wouldn't be any storyline planned or "directions" to contemplate. I hate the new Animal Planet with all the gruesome reality shows and a fake scripted Meerkat Manor.


I COMPLETELY agree with you!

I noticed the change towards violence towards animals last August when AP aired a show about "Gladiator Animals". Then they aired a show called "Face To Face with the Polar Bear" which ended sadly with a scene where it was clear a young polar bear was starving to death. Even "Whale Wars" shows regularly the harpooning and slaughter of whales.

I remember when National Geographic magazine made a similar decision back around 1986. They lost thousands of subscribers, but never reverse their decision.

AP really has moved away from 'for children' or 'family' programming into shows only hunters would love!

Chris J


AP really has moved away from 'for children' or 'family' programming into shows only hunters would love!

Yes, you hit it on the head. I used to turn on Animal Planet everyday whenever I got home from work because animals and nature calm me down and make me happy. Now, whenever I flip to Animal Planet, I brace myself for animal suffering and how humans suffer from animal attacks. Only hunters who view animals as beasts who need to die would love these shows now.

I agree with National Geographic but at least they have a good mixture of informative shows about animals and cultures.
