MovieChat Forums > Meerkat Manor Discussion > Today's episode 08/12/09

Today's episode 08/12/09

I just recently started watching this show regulary as it comes on while I'm at work and today's episode was Flower's death - and I'm literally sobbing in my office (really professional, right? LOL) Anyways...I was left hanging on little Axel's fate. I was waiting for someone to kill the poor baby and was extremely happy to see him survive! Do future episodes show Axel? What was his ultimate fate? I won't be in my office tomorrow so I'm not sure I'll be able to catch the next few shows. Thanks!


If I may make a suggestions. I would finish watching the next season. It's really good. Then come back here and read all of rattiesrule's posts.

It's worth it.


Thanks Lava, that's what I'm hoping to do, but I only catch it when I'm working and I won't be able to see the next few episodes. Do you happen to know where I could read a recap of the next few shows?


Maybe Rattie has them or maybe a link, sorry.

I missed season 4 so I'm out of luck myself. And AP isn't repeating it for some reason. Maybe want people to pay for the DVDs.



Yeah, that episode hit everyone really hard, and I mean worldwide. There were posts here from all over Europe, Australia, etc it was amazing the outpouring of sadness and loss. Go to and search for:

meerkat flower memorial

and you will see all sorts of memorial video's for her and others that have past on, some are fantastic!

It's been 2.5 years since she died(and almost 2 years since her last episode first aired) and it still hurts when I think of her!

Season 3 was extremely sad, so if you haven't ever seen it before, hang in there!

Chris J.


As far as Axel goes, check here for the monthly reports from rattiesrules. Since you are not a regular watcher(not your fault, of course)I will tell you that Axel is currently alive and well with the Lazuli group, but it looks like he is considering joining another group since he is roving.

Chris J.


Just so you know, going into the next season, and I found this interesting. It wasn't Flower who saved Axel, it was Rocket Dog.


I have the first 3 seasons of Meerkat Manor on DVD and last week after I bought season 3 I saw the episode where Flower dies for the first time, I didn't cry but I felt sad and had tears in my eyes. That is in my opinion the sadest episode of Meerkat Manor ever made, Flower was and still is my favourite Meerkat. One happy event was when Mitch picked up little Axel and took him to Flower who accepted him into the family.


welcome Nala.

Lava is correct, the timeline in the show was off a little. Axel was actually accepted before the splinter groups reunited and it was RD that accepted Axel, right after losing her pups (giving birth above ground). Don't worry, Axel is fine. He stayed with the Whiskers for a while and then left with a roving coalition led by Wollow (Mozart's son) and joined the Lazuli. He has been there since June 2008. He recently (July 2009) went on a roving trip and is marked absent. But many males do that and come back the next month when they decide to rove at wild mobs away from the observation area.


Thanks for the info everyone! The show with Axel's rescue in on again today. So was there any reason for changing Rocket Dog to Mitch for the rescue? RD taking in a pup after her own misfortune is more powerful storyline to me.
