Who saved Sophie?

I realize there's little or no chance of this getting properly answered, but I'm curious what you all think:

In episode 5 of Season 1 ("Childhood's End"), about four minutes in, pup Mitch attacks the younger, tinier pup Sophie. The narrator makes a big deal about how Yossarian stood by and did nothing, but if you watch the attack carefully, you'll see an adult meerkat *did* intercede. Although the adult is mostly cut out of the frame, hir face comes into the picture biting toward Mitch's neck as if to catch and pull him away. Mitch even breaks off the attack on little Sophie to turn and snap at the adult.

We know it wasn't Yossarian, and supposedly Sophie's mother Mozart was in no position to interfere, so who interceded? Was it Tosca, who's seen comforting little Sophie shortly thereafter? And why didn't they mention it? Did it lessen the drama to acknowledge that someone did finally rein in the tiny tyrant?


I just watched that part on youtube to see what you were talking about...And surprisingly I think it was Yossarian that broke up the fight...it looks like there were three babysitters there that day...it wasn't mentioned because they were trying to show that Sophie being the daughter of a subordinate is less dominate than Flower's pups (their aunts and uncles)

It was Tosca that comforted Sophie afterwards, according to the narration...It could have been Mozart though because when the group is out foraging, an evicted female can approach the babysitting burrow without getting chased off by the babysitters...but when the group returns, if the evicted female is still around, she runs the risk of being attacked and chased off again.

The show would change the names of the meerkats around so it's very difficult to know who is actually who...the only way is to look at the dye marks and I don't know who had what dye marks back then because they change them from time to time and only the researchers have the notes of who had what dye marks at what time...I did notice a LS (Left Shoulder) dye mark on Sophie's (who's real name was Tina Sparkle) rescuer.


Yes, it wouldn't surprise me if they slandered poor Yossarian for the sake of drama. I'll watch again to see if I can figure out who it is.

That's my biggest pet peeve about the show, their pushing the individual meerkats into "types" and then twisting facts to portray them as such- like in the first season Tosca was the "rebellious one" (despite not acting any more rebellious than her sisters), while Mozart was the "caring one", then Tosca disappeared between seasons and suddenly Mozart is the "Tearaway". Wha...?


It really would have been nice if they were more neutral on the show. Instead of inventing drama and storylines just tell what is happening.


I agree. The cheap "drama" at the expense of truth is probably the show's biggest flaw.

And on repeated viewing, I think it was Yossarian who stopped Mitch. He does have a shoulder mark similar to the one Rattiesrules mentioned.
