Really not that bad

*English is not my primary langage.

I had really low expectations when my girlfriend rent this movie for my 5 years old son. Based on critics, IMDB ratings and worst movie of the year nominations, I was expecting a piece of crap.

The movie is actually enjoyable. Murphy delivers a very funny performance. Sure, the dialogs are cheesy, but it was wayyyy better than I expected.

My two cents is that critics were expecting a Norbit #2, based on the high budget and so so screenplay.

The movie receives a 6 out of 10 from me.


It is not good to base how good a movie is by IMDB lol. The movie was decent and enjoyable.


I feel the same way, it really wasn't that bad and didn't deserve the savaging it got from reviewers. By no means a great or even particularly good movie, but certainly not one of the year's worst. I rated it 6/10 too.


I really enjoyed the visual humor in this a lot. The poor storyline, and over-use of greenscreens aside, I think it was very funny. 8/10.


My kids really enjoyed it and I like it also. It was way, way better than some of the other crap I've seen lately like Strange Wilderness, Zohan and Fred Claus.


I think most people couldn't wait for the new Eddie Murphy movie to come out to bash the hell out of it, just because Eddie was starring in it. Kind of tells you about the flock mentality of people these days ("omg teh new Eddie Mruphy movie is out, let's all go vote it a 1!"), and it isn't limited to teenagers unfortunately. Of course Eddie is not innocent of crimes against his own career (Pluto Nash? Norbit?) but it's disappointing to see people unable to judge each movie separately and make up their own minds :(

-Goodnight, mother of six!
-Goodnight, father of two!


i concur.

I assumed it would be horrible becuase Eddie hasnt been funny since BHC1.
I was pleasantly surprised to find it not be aweful.

As others have said, not a great movie by any system, but reasonably funny.

"all I have ever asked of my men is to follow my orders as if they were the word of god"


Like others have said, I went in with extremely low expectations. I think it's certainly better than anything Eddie Murphy has done in recent years, and it was nice to get little glimpses of how funny the man can really be. It's easy to forget sometimes.

I think Elizabeth Banks added a lot, too. She has one of those laughs that just automatically makes something funny.


About to watch it for the third time.



Absurdly low rating here on IMDB. I thought the trailer for the film was terrible and went in with low expectations. I was very pleasantly surprised. I laughed consistently through out. It is a nice, relatively clean comedy that the whole family can enjoy. Plus the special effects were quite good. I'm not sure what more people would want out of this type of movie. 7 out of 10 in my book. Fun movie.


I did not expect a great movie, not even a good one after seeing the low grade her on IMDB, but I have to admit I really enjoyed the movie. It's not a classic, but certainly entertaining. If I would grade it I would give it a 7. 4.5 is way too low.


I was expecting horrible things but it was a decent family movie for the current generation. Though the movie progressively worsens, I initially (beginnings of the movie) had deep ideas of the movie, liking Dave to the supposed brainless children today who play video games etc etc.
Though at the end, I didn't like its desire to become the next E.T.
4.5 or 5 out of 10


I love this movie!


I just finished watching it and I enjoyed it. The police station escape was cool.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


Before I watch a movie that I have recorded on TV, I often come to to see the rating. I add 2 to the posted rating to get my probable enjoyment rating - if it's a 6 or higher, I'm pretty sure I will enjoy it. 5 or lower, I have to read some of the comments, cuz it's doubtful that I will watch it. When I came here, Dave rated a 4.7, so with my conversion makes it a 6.7, so I went ahead and watched. I liked it very much, except for one line from Eddie Murphy. I was going to make a separate post for it, but what the heck? Oh, it's a spoiler, so I shall put it elsewhere.



I didn't think it was that bad either. I couple of bad scenes but overall watchable and some pretty funny scenes here and there.

I still watch everything he puts out. He is uneven but overall still got it.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


This movie was adorable, our whole family loved it!

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
