
Who should do voices in this season? Masaru I think should be voiced by Brad McDonald (the voice of Kazu in Tamers), Yoshino should be voiced by Maggie Blue O'Hara (Madison in Cardcaptors), and Tohma should be voiced by Steve Staley (Ryo in Tamers). Tom Fahn should reprise his role as Agumon, and I think that there should be a villain somewhere in the season voiced by David Kaye (Megatron in many recent Transformers TV series). Of course, many of the regular voice actors from previous seasons (such as Steven Jay Blum and Derek Stephen Prince) should once again be regulars here.


i read the in the dub the voice of yoshino is going to be the same person who did sora's voice from digimon season 1 and 2. steve blum is going to be doing falcomon. that all i read on the digiport.
there's no reset button in life.


ur right abt yoshino's voice. Jeff nimoy was recently on the withthewill forums and confirmed that he will be directing the new english dub season of digimon, which will be called Digimon Data Squad. He confirmed some of the major characters' voices as well...you can check all this out at http://withthewill.net/index.php?topic=3178.0
