Russel Crowe?

Does anyone think there were better choices for Russel Crowe's part than him?

I dunno...when watching the movie this last time I kinda found myself wishing someone else was playing his part.

Honestly I think Brad Pitt or maybe Colin Ferrel would've been better choices. Russel Crowe was a little too phony for me.


Brad Pitt??! Oh please god say your kidding!












Wasn't Brad Pitt one of their first choices for the character? And what's so bad about Brad Pitt? He gets way too much hate for being popular.

The knack to flying lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


Watching Brad Pitt act is like watching a 5th grade Christmas play.


You must be watching some great *beep* fifth grade plays then.

The knack to flying lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


I never get why he's a big star. He's so damn boring all the time.

'He's the only man I know who can strut sitting down.'


Hater! That's you'll ever be!


Resurrecting this thread for comments on Crowe's accent. His accent struck me as barely American, much less New York/Jersey. Many words slip into his natural Aussie dialect. Two examples I just heard: he pronouces shark as "shahk" and our as "ah".

You may say I'm nit-picking but these discrepancies were so glaring they kept me listening for other mistakes rather than enjoying the performance. I blame the director for not ensuring that Crowe sounded totally authentic.

Overall, I think he was miscast. He is too low-key and his body language is non-existent. I had to strain to hear his dialogue half the time. This role called for someone more bombastic, edgy and a little bit outrageous. Russell's low, rather monotone voice could put you to sleep. He is a good actor, but this was not his role.


disagree with you. I was born and raised in New York (manhattan) and have lived in the U.K. for more than 30 years. I still retain (I am told) my New York accent)!
I found Crowe's accent to be perfect in the film. I studied acting and write for a living too and frankly, I don't know what you're basing your criticsm of his accent on.
it's fair if you say you didn't like him in the role, but as far as his accent and his speech in general (in the film) I am sorry but I have to disagree with you.
I thought he did a superb job.


Agree 100%.
Grew up in Yonkers, which is pronounced YAHNKERS.
Just like SHAHK. You not from here, don't judge.


Crowe is a perfectionist. He works hard to nail the accent of the character he's playing. Tho your criticism is legitimate, if you put 20 New Yawkas in a room and asked them to pronounce shark, some would pronounce it your preferred way and others would pronounce it shahk. But Crowe concentrates most on how the inner life of the character should be portrayed. I think you're thinking more of a Rod Steiger or Eli Wallach, more bombast, where Crowe saw Richie as subtle. Rather than imagining how a role should be played, get into how it is played, and fit those aspects of what you're watching into the character you're seeing portrayed, and if you're watching a really good actor like Crowe, you'll learn something about Richie you'd missed. ~ Native Angeleno


O.k. ~ there are a LOT of nitwits in this thread.

Russell Crowe is a joy to watch & quite simply, our finest living actor.

Ppl in here need to grow a brain.


Sounds like someone that became enchanted with the biceps back in Gladiator. You are insane if you honestly think that low rent Mel Gibson is the best living actor. Russel Crow has less acting ability at his absolute upmost than Daniel Day Lewis has in his left foot.

- Currently watch classic Cinema like Gods of Egypt


God what a pathetic post this is. SpyderPig, you just said Brad Pitt or Colin Ferrel would have made better choices for this movie.... please delete your IMDB account. Now. Please.


Nah what's pathetic is your inability to get a point across without berating others.

You disagree then good for you. Move on.





Russel Crowe was perfect for the role as Richie Roberts. He should of been nominated for best supporting actor for this movie. And Brad Pitt is one of the most overrated actors in Hollywood right now. He has not done a single good performance outside of Seven. Which he should thank God they casted Morgan Freeman to carry his dead beat ass.


they should have got the rapper "Hustle Crowe"

Don't tease me about my hobbies, I don't you about being an a$$hole


I think that Russell Crowe is a very talented actor who should have at least two oscars already and who should be much better rated than he is. I am not going to compare him with other actors because it is not a nice thing to do and because i am sure that when you like an actor you are not able to be objective, and this happens to everybody. In my case, I really hope that Russell will be nominated again to some prizes as he was in the past because he really disappears in the character he plays and this is, for me, true acting.



And Brad Pitt is one of the most overrated actors in Hollywood right now.


He has not done a single good performance outside of Seven.


"...if that was off, I'd be whoopin' your ass up and down this street." ~ an irate Tarantino


to return to the main topic........hmmmm i did not think of other actors who can play this role, but i thought crowes acting is just not that good. another thought i had while watching is, that since a beautiful mind he somehow plays every role a bit in the same vein (sure, didnt see every singel movie with him). You know, that kind of somehow dumb person, with that sad dog eyes and who´s life is ruined by other persons. just my thoughts while watching....



I don't think Pitt is overrated, he is actually a pretty good actor. Many great films in his career and some very strong performances as well.

About Richie Roberts, Russell Crowe was really great in that role. One of his most overlooked turns.

This is - excuse me - a damn fine cup of coffee.


Actually I think Russell did a good job in this movie. He even looks like the real Det. Roberts. When I was watching the extras I saw Richie Roberts and I thought "If Russell Crowe eats enough burgers he will look like this guy in 15 years or so"


Ray Liotta was the original choice


I thought Crowe was great. I'm also like some others on here in that I think the guy's an underrated actor. Watch The Insider sometime. The guy can really act.


Brad Pitta and Colin Ferrel could never fill the shoes of Russel Crowe. Especially not Ferrel. It's insulting that you would even suggest that.
