7.8? What a joke.

This deserves a damn high 8.5 at the very least.
Sure it's long, but it's very engaging. The story from both sides is dark and there's lots going on. I love this film from both an entertaining side and production side. Scott did a great job on this and it sucks it's not getting the proper credit


Agree this movie should of got a 9 at least. This is a Classic.



I don't want to agree but can't come up with any other reason?? For I've observed weird comments on Denzel's "The Equalizer" that gives your theory legs.
But perhaps combined with police corruption is (too) unacceptable to some also?

"too many urban themes and black people winning will always be rated low."



Training Day is a much better movie than American Gangster, also much more accesible for audience members, hence the higher rating.

If anyting Denzel Shoudlve won an Oscar for Malcolm X, and not Training Day nor American Gangster


End statement (Malcolm X) agreed.

I disagree that Training Day is much better,...American Gangster was a great movie.

I actually think (on certain days) the movie "Street Kings" is better than Training Day.

And I believe one of Training Day's primary hooks (to me) is that the audience was fooled,...waiting for Denzel to be the Good Guy.


I didnt say American Gangster was bad or anything, i love the film. Certainly a great film.

I have not seen Street Kings, it sounds like a good movie, added to my watchlist

And I believe one of Training Day's primary hooks (to me) is that the audience was fooled,...waiting for Denzel to be the Good Guy.

I agree, Denzel's performance is soo screenfilling and attention grabbing (Definitely not better than Crowe's performance in A Beautiful Mind though) which makes it an incredibly enjoyable film to watch. On top of that, Ethan Hawke is spectacular too

Favorite films of all time list


In case you haven't seen them, along with "Street Kings" add: LA Confidential, Narc, Dark Blue, Deep Cover, and though this one isn't about Law Enforcement (just kicking tail) also John Wick.


Exactly what you said


Often I see a movie with an urban theme and black ppl and think it's pretty decent. And then I see the movie picked apart with petty and overtly racist comments. I generally end up rating those movies higher than I might have, just to give it a bump. IMDB boards can be notoriously racist, although not as bad as YouTube



Jaws, If there's more than a few folks under the (CGI) age of 35 rated it,...I can see them not rating it higher than 7? Certain movies like Jaws probably don't age well with technology improvements and all?

But Jaws is an 8+. But I was there (of age) when it came out, then to HBO, TV, VHS, Beta:):) Laserdisk,...:)
