Hair and Sweat

Does it gross anyone else out that these professional chefs don't take hygiene seriously while cooking?? Last night really grossed me out!

The girl with the bangs was frantic and had her wet bangs hanging all over the food. That John guy had sweat dripping on the food. Just gross. He is old enough to know better.

There should be a rule that they have to wear their hair back and if they sweat a lot, they should have to wear head bands to soak up the sweat. I would not want to be eating that food knowing that the "salt" flavour was from someone's body.


Reminds me of this pig in Season 4 of "Hell's Kitchen!" The guy was sweating so much in the food it wound up being over-salted! I was grossed out! 

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I don't watch Hells Kitchen, but I can just imagine. It happens on Chopped as well at times. The judges must have lead stomachs...


Anyone who eats in any public restaurant has to have a lead stomach. Having worked in a number of commercial kitchens, you have NO IDEA what goes on in them, and what goes into your food (either accidentally or on purpose).

One of the worst was a place I worked for one day. Someone went to the walk-in to get a stainless steel pan of cole slaw to bring to the line. They tripped and fell and spilled the entire pan and contents all over the floor outside the walk-in. The cook had to leave to go to the hospital because he injured his knee. The kitchen manager told me to clean up the cole slaw, so I went and got a trash can. He was like: "What the hell are you doing with a trash can?" I replied that I was going to put the cole slaw into it. His response: "Are you crazy? We can't waste that much cole slaw! Scrape it all back in the pan and serve it!"

I told him he'd have to do it himself. He actually had another cook do it. I took off my apron and handed it to him and never worked there again.



Shooting has started on my latest movie:


They probably do in "real" life. But it's tv. You see this on a lot of the competition shows.


Yes, it is gross. Just like in this week's QF, Emily licked the spoon from her soubise and then scraped it on the edge of the blender putting it back in.


"Double-dipping" is quite common even when they're being watched like on "CHOPPED!" They apologize, but it's in their DNA to do it and won't ever stop! I think if you tell them ahead of time, they'll still do it; even if it means being disqualified!  

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I don't want to bum anyone out, but restaurant kitchens are home to far more disgusting things than a little saliva, sweat, and tears. But, I agree it's odd that cheftestants don't, if only for their own comfort, keep their hair and sweat out of their eyes.


That really ticks me off! These silly people let their hair hang down in their face, then have the nerve to brush it aside obviously not caring that "you lose 80-100 hairs" per day! It's gotta go somewhere! I'd rather not see chefs being that gross, but if they're silly enough to do it on TV, they should be put on blast so people will know how disgusting these people can be in their kitchens! On "Chopped," they can drop something on the floor and try to use it! They're chastised, they apologize, and are then auf'd wondering "wtf?"  

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They should just stop them and send them home right there. I would love to see them tearfully walking out because they were unsanitary. Maybe that'll wake some of them up. A chef's DNA should not be an ingredient.


All chefs go too far IMO; too much handling of the food! Why do they need to position it, fingering every pea? Sandwiches are made with the hands, not an entrée, soup, salad, or fixin's on the side!  


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I know! I cringe every time Gordon Ramsay dogs his paws in the food just before it's served on Hell's Kitchen. He's touching his face. his hair, then the garbage can when he throws things in it, then he goes touch somebody's food. You never see him watching his hands. Yuck.


In a lot of places, there are too many food establishments for the number of health inspectors, so one place can easily go years between inspections. Sure, they're always at risk of an inspector suddenly showing up, but I guess they find out ways they'll handle the situation if/when it happens.


I live near a medium size (85k) touristy type town, six restaurants in the past five years were closed for hepatitis, three forever. Scarier stuff than hair and sweat.


Brutal. Seriously, though, can you blame some closings by what places get away with? I would've walked away--and stayed away--too if you heard some stories from inside most kitchen upfront. There's only so much chef/businessperson can do. What some need is what inspectors aren't qualified for!


Okay, I am officially never eating out again..
I guess that old adage applies "what you don't know wont hurt you". It just really grossed me out watching it this year for some reason.


I can do serious, concise is more a challenge.. **Don’t read if squeamish.** Something has stuck in the back of my mind from many years ago in North Jersey, we ate out a lot. A friend of mine dad was eccentric, difficult to eat out with. He refused to order unless he first inspected the kitchen, at least someplace new to him. Sometimes for 20-30 minutes, occasionally we had to leave. OCD germophobic? Not really, more brilliant, aware, and successful, exceptional pallet . Paid huge tabs, worth the trouble he caused. Sometimes he refused to order, while we ate. Took him elsewhere later.

He made the case that people eat tainted food dozens of times a year without realizing it, he could taste anything off, sampled your plate, a personal food tester lol. Even before entering he’d say no in the parking lot if he smelled rancid grease, next place please. His point was that about three hours after a meal, if the taste lingered and you still feel undigested, heavy, sluggish and logy, maybe a bit tight in the forehead. You’ve been poisoned. I’ve traveled, most times were my fault, one was really serious, the last was local at Panera Bread, turkey sandwich, never returned.

Politics aside, consider the source to table. Increasingly it involves low wage immigrants, perhaps taking a dump in a field, to prep in a kitchen. No it doesn’t always translate, only the odds. It’s sheer economics. The hepatitis outbreaks were traced more to Central America. It barely surfaced until one place had five customers contracting, an infant succumbed. It had to make the paper, politics and the economy tangled. One brand new building proved not cost effective to sanitize, it was dozed in hazmat.

Well run kitchens are spotless, many have UV-lamps, chef whites and hats are not for looks. Master level chefs often use gloves, even if on one hand. Top Chef Pro, the show is an example. Waiters serve in white cotton gloves. Lesser places should as well. I try not to think about it, but do take notice where the inspection tag is posted. If you can’t read the date, be cautious, it only common sense. A give away is when it’s yellowed behind the register, next to that first dollar bill lol.


I just threw up in my mouth.


What I find funny is I know a woman that refused to eat at restaurants and fast food places because of the lack of cleanliness, but she had n o problem eating food cooked by her co-workers at pot luck parties and holidays. Lol


sandifay62, Right! I stopped taking part in potlucks over 5 years ago when I bit into a coworkers fried chicken and it was raw!! Who doesn't check to make sure chicken is cooked??

Now around potluck/holiday time, I pretend I am "not feeling well" and cant eat anything (unless it's packaged). So I fill up on crackers, chips, deli meat etc.

No way in hell am I eating cooked food prepared by coworkers.


Yeah, there's no accounting for cat hairs, dogs hairs, butt scratching, and toddler drool. Lol


OP -- gross scenes like that make me want to swear off restaurants forever. That, and the fact that what I cook is often better tasting.

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!
