MovieChat Forums > Top Chef (2006) Discussion > At the beginning of the episode, Emily w...

At the beginning of the episode, Emily was grousing ...

... that no one was consoling her.

Em -- maybe it's your unfriendly attitude and lack of social skills?

Just a thought.

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


Well I hope it's not just a "villain" cut!  

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Emily isn't bad.She can be pretty delightful to watch. She was the reason their team failed, too.
She psyched herself out too much by thinking so much about her old boss.
Hometown girl had to realize she was going to see some past chefs she had worked with on the panel.



In the premiere episode she mentioned how her "attitude" had gotten her in trouble in the past (losing jobs, etc.) and seemed to take pride in that. Given that, I'd say complaining about nobody consoling her was pretty rich coming from her.


Exactly what I was thinking.

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


Emily is miserable and so far has not been very impressive. And wasn't this the second time she served undercooked beans, or was that Amanda last week?


Emily was a contestant on Chopped last year, I believe, with an ex-boyfriend of hers named Vandy. He ended up beating her in the dessert round and was a total douche bag about it. I just seriously could not stand him during the whole episode. She was really likable in the episode and I remember particularly how she wasn't talking *beep* or bragging about her cooking skills. She was kinda quiet, actually. I was really surprised by how she has represented herself, or at least how she says she's been fired several times for her smart mouth, because she really didn't come off that way on Chopped. But her complaining about how she wasn't supported was surprising since Brooke has proven herself repeatedly and Emily has been in the bottom several times.


I haven't liked "Chopped" that much of late! A few months ago, they had an episode with teenagers! One kid was being a little obnoxious and when it seemed like he was safe, the judges switched up and sent him home after the appetizer round!  

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I've seen a few of the kids' episodes and I can't tolerate them anymore. The majority of the contestants are ego maniacs and have their noses so far up in the air that they'd drown in the rain. There have been a few sweet kids but they are the exception rather than the rule. I still watch chopped, though, because I love to see what people will make with the baskets and I learn about ingredients I've never heard of, like sunchokes, cherimoya, and fiddlehead ferns. There are also really weird ingredients like chicken-in-a-can that I find interesting.


I thought I've seen her before. She was nice in that episode. Well, she seemed nice. Maybe her attitude off camera and his attitude was why she and that guy broke up.

I laughed when she whined that no one consoled her. It's hard to console someone that has a permanent stink face on. I figured that how hard she tried to be, the bragging about her skills, and the apparent wimpy-ness she showed in the face of her former boss and working so passively with Brooke meant that she was all talk and all false bravado. She's really a delicate flower that's just posing as a bad ass.

I don't think she's cooked anything that's even impressed anyone so far. Her screw up with the beans was a rookie move. Maybe she should watch some cooking shows and look up cooking videos on YouTube to hone her skills.


The beans fiasco sounded like something I would have done, she definitely should have known better.


I find her face nearly impossible to look at. Like, the look on her face at all times makes me want to vomit. I could tell from the first episode that I'd sock her in that miserable expression if I saw her in a dark alley. I want to no more than ever.


I find her face nearly impossible to look at. Like, the look on her face at all times makes me want to vomit. I could tell from the first episode that I'd sock her in that miserable expression if I saw her in a dark alley. I want to do so now more than ever. She is a miserable soul.


95% of her problem is a lack of self-esteem and confidence - as well as food knowledge. She's annoying as hell with all the whining and the sooner she's gone, the better.


And last night with her "John didn't even thank me...." for doing whatever she did with the lobsters.

I just want to sit her in a chair in the corner until she can be more pleasant and less whiny.


John's a jerk; I can imagine him working her nerves expecting her to sous for him while she does most of the work! Making gnocchi is quite a selfish act when in a team challenge! 

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Yeah, John wouldn't have done the same for her or anyone else. He claims he's changed but he still only cares for himself.

but Emily should've told him she didn't have time. He chose the lobsters and gnocchi and should have to deal with them alone.
