'Scare' Segment

In one episode towards the end, there were some video clips of these guys scaring the crap out of people in a bar, a bowling alley, and elsewhere. I assume these are on a website somewhere. Does anyone know where?

My music for film & TV: www.obelus.com



Thanks S_h_a_d_o_w_C_a_t.

I found some details on YouTube. Search for "Scare Me." Apparently it was an attempt made by some guys to create a TV show. First they went out and created a "pilot," which where just clips of the guys scaring the crap out of people, then they tried to sell it to some networks. None of the networks were interested. Maybe networks realized that no one would sign a release after their beer ends up over half the pub or they soiled their undies.

There were a few more scenes on YouTube then on the Chelsea Handler Show. Some that I recall are just guys yelling "Boo!" at random people mourning in a cemetery.

My music for film & TV: www.obelus.com
