Isn't this excessive?

She seems really charming, but she only makes fun of the same 5 or 6 people that everyone else makes fun of on late night talk show monologues, the soup, best week ever, etc. This doesn't take any guts to do, it's not bold.

It's like hating on Brittney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Tom Cruise, Clay Aiken, and Paris Hilton is an ever expanding market that needs more and more people, which it isn't.

At least, if you're going to make fun of people, spread the wealth: Lance Bass (thinks he's special because he's gay), Justin Timberlake (humongous ego), George Clooney (too much of a press whore), Julia Roberts (too much of a press whore), David Letterman (not funny anymore), Rene Zellweger (annoying and shrill in interviews), Keanu Reaves (terrible actor), Dane Cook (overrated), Zach Braff (thinks he's indie and edgey), Kate Hudson (in way too many bad movies), Jessica Biel (think she deserves better parts), Oprah (think she's the center of teh universe), Andy Samberg (getting waay too much attention), James Blunt (annoying), everyone associated with American Idol (for keeping the show on), Ron Artest (constantly ending up in jail) and pretty much the entire rapping community (most of them are insane).

Second, stop being surprised that Lohan, Spears, etc. is constantly screwing up. You need them to screw up to keep your show in business.

Disclaimer: This poster does not place as much importance as others on correct spelling



For all we know, the producers want her to talk about the same five people because they're stupid enough to think they can get a cheap laugh out of them. Unofficial Site
