Madchen Amick makes no sense

I don't watch the Chelea Handler show, but last week I was flipping around the dial and saw that very attractive actress Madchen Amick. She used to be on Twin Peaks. They showed a cover of a Rolling Stone magazine that Madchen was on along with two other girls from Twin Peaks. Amick then said "This was the first "non music cover." Chelsea was impressed. The only problem is, there have been non musical people on the cover of Rolling Stone years before Twin Peaks even was on the air. Redford, Stallone, Nicholson even E.T were on the cover of Rolling Stone. So what could Madchen have been talking about? Why didn't Chelsea say anything? What is this, you can just say anything and nobody challenges you? Doesn't making sense count for anything anymore? What could Madchen have been thinking? It wasn't even CLOSE TO BEING A TRUE STATEMENT.
