Custom Character Profiles

Gender – Male
Build – Medium
Skin – White
Eyes - Yellow
Face – Cyborg
Hair – None
Helmet – MK Ninja 1
Chest – Cyber Ninja (Dark Purple/Grey)
Legs – Cyber (Dark Purple)
Gloves – Cyber 2 (Grey)
Boots – Cyber (Grey)
Arms – Cyber (Grey)
Mask – MK Ninja 2

Style – Tzu Tsi
Name – Zhou Tsujin

Style – Autumn Dao
Weapon – Katana
Name – Solos

Biography – Harvest was the fourth ninja constructed by the Lin Kuei Clan. Instead of being a volunteer, Harvest was the last survivor of the Shirai Ryu Clan, captured and held for experimentation. When he was activated, he broke free of his bonds and fled the Lin Kuei Temple, not stopping for sleep, food, or drink. He did not need those things now. He traversed across Earthrealm searching for his old partner, Scorpion. Coming across him in the desert, he only found a specter of the man he once knew, and slowly realized that he was transformed into a cyborg. Desperate to regain his humanity, Harvest hid his face, and himself from the world, and searched with Scorpion to find a way to return to normal. When the Pyramid of Argus rose from the ground, Harvest and Scorpion fought as brothers in arms, slaying all who opposed them as they made their way up the Pyramid. In the final clash against Blaze, however, the promise of God-like power became an overpowering siren call to Harvest, causing him to betray Scorpion, and leave his wounded corpse to the battle below. He couldn’t fight Blaze alone. When Blaze was about to strike the final blow Scorpion returned, and saved Harvest at the last moment. Having witnessed Quan Chi die in the fight below, Scorpion could finally accept his fate, and took the full force of Blaze’s blow, killing him instantly. Harvest took this opportunity to strike the fatal blow, and Blaze’s Godlike power was his. It came at a high price. Instead of being granted his humanity, Harvest was stripped of his remaining flesh, and his metal body twisted and froze. With one final scream of agony, Harvest stopped, immobile. As if in retribution for his betrayal, Harvest was granted with immesurable power, but eternally sealed in his frozen metal shell.

who did you all make, and how'd their storylines go?

--I heard the civilians are still eating paper, is this true?
--Nope, paper shortage.
