Has ANYONE had this glitch?

I decided to create Ryu (from Street Fighter). I finished my character, except for the feet. I decided to use the "wrap" option.

But here's the thing, once I selected it (before pressing A), once the preview opened up, the polygons of my character went CRAZY.

My character looked like he exploded. And the strange thing is this, once I switched the feet back, he was normal. It seems like everytime I would select "wrap," he would "explode."

But then it started happening to my other characters, no matter what accessory. It seems like every other accessory, whether it was for the torso, head, pants, or arms would cause the character to "explode."

I'm not sure why it's doing this, cause it hasn't happened before (and I've created MANY characters, and deleted them). I'm not sure why this would happen now.

Has anyone had this glitch?

Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and sh*t and Jack left town


That's weird. I haven't created characters since I bought the game (too busy playing online), but I HAVE had a 'corrupted' memory card, and that's no fun.

You should jump to your memory card and make sure the file is OK. Are each of your KAK's saved under different files? Or are they all under the "MKA" file? Maybe one of the files is corrupted. You will know because it'll show as a big, red cube, and not an image from the game, like they usually are.

Good luck.
