Did they run out of room?

I bought the game for Wii some months back, and while I enjoy it, there are some things that bother me about the game:

1. Only swords and axes for Kreate-a-fighter
2. No endings like MK:DA or Deception, or even a way to save it and watch it again.
3. No REAL ending to the game.

On #3 what I mean by that is that Ed Boon stated this is the last Mortal Kombat game to feature all of these characters. He stated that some will die. But just like other mortal kombat games, who knows what the real ending is. No one knew that Quan-Chi's ending in DA was correct until deception.

But you'd think for this game, they would have something (similar to the opening movie) that shows the "real" ending.

Did they just run out of room?

Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and sh*t and Jack left town


On the PS2 version there are only swords and axes for kreaet a fighter. Unless somehow you can get daggers.

I've never played DA so I can't comment on those endings.

And finally I don't know the real ending. Shame really.



In laymen terms, they got lazy. To say it professionally, Midway found many things time consuming. What I heard was that Midway wanted to make true endings but 63-64 was too much for them to draw. Oh well, Midway literally rushed the project because they had only a couple months to make this game before it's launch. Had it been truly launched during the Wii version release, maybe it would had true endings and other things. And I mean having all console versions being released during the Wii release date.


What also sucks (at least for the Wii version) is that you can only save up to 7 characters, they could have least given us the full 10, or up to 20, that would have been nice.

Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and sh*t and Jack left town
