MovieChat Forums > Home of the Brave (2007) Discussion > Looks like straight to DVD!

Looks like straight to DVD!

I just watched FLYBOYS and in the movie trailers they showed a preview of HOME OF THE BRAVE with the words "coming soon to DVD". I guess this may answer the question of when and how this is going to be released.



Anyways I recently heard that the movie would be coming out in March.


It's back on TBA 2007 again and it won't suprise me if this one goes straight to DVD after the limited run in NYC/LA


ACTUALLY, it didn't go straight to DVD. It's only playing in larger cities, like most contraversial movies. I've already saw it, and it was amazing.

"Hope without action is simply wishful thinking." -Jessica Biel


When is it coming to DVD???

Don Status


It's already played in a few big city theaters.

I'm a heavy metal maniac.
Metal = best form of music ever


to was released, but pulled at the last second....but some theatres didn't get the message and showed it, however long ago its original release was. so then it was pulled after that weekend, and they were trying to find a better release date. then they set one up, which i think was sometime this summer, or maybe september? but then that idea got *beep* canned, too.

i just watched it on line though, and i gotta say, despite the money spent and the actors used, the script was awful. nobody will by into this movie. its herat is in the right place, its writing isnt....specifically the dialogue.

their best bet is to cut their losses and send it straight to DVD. i'm sure it'll make more money being rented out of morbid curioisty on Netflix than it would make if released to scathing reviews.

Brian Peppers is my Homeboy


Slightly OT...

I thought the movie was alright. It had potential. The scene with Biel and Presley catching up in the movie theater was pretty bad. The writing or acting..Not sure which made it feel so very unnatural. I find that odd since both actor's were in 7th Heaven Together.


"to was released, but pulled at the last second....but some theatres didn't get the message and showed it, however long ago its original release was. so then it was pulled after that weekend, and they were trying to find a better release date. then they set one up, which i think was sometime this summer, or maybe september? but then that idea got *beep* canned, too."

Can't spell and a bad liar. Wow, the whole package!

It was shown in smaller cities for awards eligibility, not because it was controversial and certainly not your *beep* story. The film has a release date set of May 11 in limited release.


i can spell. i don't know what happened. my typing got fumbled, big whoop. and actually, i was right. It did get a wide release but was pulled too late. And I don't think I ever said anything about the film being 'controversial', I just said it was bad.

Brian Peppers is my Homeboy


I am referring to previous posts and please revise before defending yourself.

No, NO theaters played it for a scheduled wide release. If you honestly think that theaters and production companies would actually allow this, then you really should stop posting all together. The film WAS schedule to go wide but WAS canceled long before the due date. It ONLY played for awards eligibility, if you even can get that through your head. That is how it got a Golden Globe nomination. The film will begin an OFFICIAL limited release on May 11, as I have told you before. All box office history can be found at


I know. Look, I followed the home of the brave stuff closely. They decided upon a limited release but not before initially having a wide release planned. Quite a few of the hteatres didn't get the message in time and played the movie that first weekend. That's all I am saying.

Brian Peppers is my Homeboy


Well, I follow all box office closely. You are clearly confused between the short awards eligibility release (usually one week or two) and a wide release. Theaters do not simply cancel wide releases this close to the release date, films usually arrive 2 days before release. If the film was canceled this close to the release, their would be some press and box office data for films that played it that weekend. This is not only a costly move, but one MGM would not take. Their was no major promotional material for Home of the Brave indicating if a wide release was planned it was pulled a significant amount of time before the planned date. Home Of The Brave played in 3 theaters over a Friday to Sunday period to be eligible for awards season, and grossed $6,000. It would HAVE NOT been eligible for its Golden Globe nomination if it had a canceled release. The evidence is their: NO theaters played the film because of a canceled wide release. It does not matter how closely you followed it, this release you claim happened did NOT.


The biggest weakness I felt the film had was such a strong reliance on flashbacks



It JUST opened here in Spokane (where it was filmed) last Friday (May 11). I haven't seen it yet, but many local performers are featured in it, so it may have a good run in Spokane.

Julie Michelle
