50 cent, its insulting

Take a rapper that raps "im a P.I.M.P " and "I'll kill you - I ain't playin, hear what I'm sayin" and shove him in a soldier, about the war in iraq were real soldiers are fighting.

How retarded.


did the same with tupac...and he was somewhat of a political rapper but he still rapped about guns, violence, and bitches


But if he's only acting, why does it matter what he does with his personal life, or music?



Tupac rapped about growing up around violence, racism, etc...bringing attention from the media and as a result, opening the door to the middle class about the hardships of a race in poverty.

50cent...he says he's a pimp...one who exploits others for profit....what contribution has he made to society where he deserves to be a paid "actor"...especially a US soldier.

Soldiers are selfless, fighting on behalf of others....pimp's...selfish, exploiting others.

To add, off subject...50cent...JFK is on the 50cent piece..just adds insult to call himself that.

Stop supporting the industries that promote the likes of 50cent...it enncorages them to raise more selfish people.


"50cent...he says he's a pimp...one who exploits others for profit....what contribution has he made to society where he deserves to be a paid "actor"...especially a US soldier. "

What contributions did Robert DeNiro or Sidney Poitier make to society before they were the great actors that we know them as? Being an actor isn't about who deserves it; it is about one of two things, who is a good or great actor and who can sale a film. People will go out to see a film like this because they like 50 cent not because he is a great actor. Which is a whole other sad topic.


Yes tupac talked about growing up around those things, but he also had songs like "hit em up" where he talks about killing and *beep* b*tches. I love tupac but i'm just saying he wasn't a saint.


I grew up in the 80's and joined the military in the 90's, and to say that a movie should be given a chance regardless of who is in it, is retarded! I will not see this movie even though I think Samuel L., is a great actor! The addition of 50 cent to this cast as a soldier in Iraq (where I have been also) is an insult to those of us who wear the uniform and have actually been there!



i couldnt agree more, just the fact that 50 is in this movie, i rekn it shall suck


Regardless of 50 cent, this movie looks like contrived sentimental garbage, like a chick flick for men. Patriotic cliches and D list actors... No thanks.

It'll probably be a couple years before quality films about the Iraq War come out. Seems like we need some hindsight.


Screw that. I don't have aproblem with 50 Cent playing a soldier. I simply have a problem with him getting acting roles at all. It would not matter even if he was playing a pimp or a street dealer; the fact is he is not that good of an actor and its sickening to see rap stars keep moving to the front of the line by getting big roles in major motion pictures without working on the craft of acting first. At least guys like Will Smith, LL Cool J and Queen Latifah did TV work first to help their development as actors before they were offered leading roles in films.


"its sickening to see rap stars keep moving to the front of the line by getting big roles in major motion pictures without working on the craft of acting first"

First of all 50 cent has been in what two films, including this one and the first was about his life, who else would be in it? We really haven't seen much acting from him. Also, this isn't really a major film considering it has a limited release and no real good actors other than SLJ and that the demographic will be high schoolers. But, I do agree that you see to many rappers trying to act, and they do need to put the work in and perfect their craft.

I don't see the problem with 50 Cent playing a soldier and it doesn't disgrace the uniform considering that in the "draft" the main targets of the military are people with backgrouds similar to his; young minorities from poor neighborhoods who have little hope.


I don't see it about perfecting their craft or anything like that. My problem is that there are lots of people who are living in their cars trying to make it in acting doing menial work who are 100 time better at acting than these rappers. And they do it because they like acting and not because its a paycheck cause thats all these rappers care about. It is insulting that movie big wigs put rappers in lead roles not because of their skills but because of their faces. If your gonna put rappers in lead roles in movies have them be thugs and pimps and drug dealers cause thats what they are in real life so it wouldnt be that hard for them to perfect the role


"If your gonna put rappers in lead roles in movies have them be thugs and pimps and drug dealers cause thats what they are in real life so it wouldnt be that hard for them to perfect the role "

Okay Supertramp234, that is just stupid; so stupid in fact that you settled the age long debate of who is smarter, men or women.

Not all rappers are thugs, drug dealers, and pimps. Mos Def is a wonderful actor who is also an incredible musician and poet. You should check out "Something the Lord Made" and "The Woodsman" Common is a pretty good actor. Will Smith has been nominated for Academy Awards for his roles in "Ali" and "Pursuit of Happyness". Tip "TI" Harris was great in ATL. Eminem did a good job in 8 Mile LL Cool J has been good with his roles, Andre 3000 has gotten into acting and I think he will do more films and will only get better. Saul Williams was incredible in the film "Slam." I don't know if you can remember this or not but Mark Wahlberg began as a rapper, I think he has a pretty good career in acting. Diddy has been in films and on stage. Last but not least Tupac was a talented actor. I know that Tupac, Common, Mos Def all had training in acting prior to fame as musicians. Only one of the people I mentioned, that being Tupac, is known as a thug. Many rappers are people who went to college, did you know Talib Kweli went to NYU? Your problem is that you probably don't listen to rap music and do not know them and make assumptions based on what you hear on the radio. The best music isn't always on the most popular radio stations, how often do you hear Bob Dylan on the radio on popular stations? I suggest you learn about the things you talk about before making comments. Oh, by the way white kids in the suburbs are the biggest dealers and drug users, and gang violence is actually more prevalent in the white community, but yet you hardly see any white rappers. Go figure.


"If your gonna put rappers in lead roles in movies have them be thugs and pimps and drug dealers cause thats what they are in real life so it wouldnt be that hard for them to perfect the role "

Okay Supertramp234, that is just stupid; so stupid in fact that you settled the age long debate of who is smarter, men or women.

Not all rappers are thugs, drug dealers, and pimps. Mos Def is a wonderful actor who is also an incredible musician and poet.

Are you serious? You critisize him for generalization and then do the exact same thing one sentence later.

Nevermind, I don't really care about that, but it was a bit TOO blatant to pass off as a good argument.

And I have to say that I laughed out loud at what he wrote about rappers playing thugs and pimps in movies. I think it was meant to be a funny shot at rap culture, and not a scathing attack.

Oh, by the way white kids in the suburbs are the biggest dealers and drug users, and gang violence is actually more prevalent in the white community, but yet you hardly see any white rappers. Go figure.

I'd love to aggree with you, but this is highly untrue. I'd like to see some statistics if you're going to pass this off as gospel. Most likely the only reason one would think this is because it would stand out as more of an anomaly in a high-class suburb community, whereas unfortunately this violence is so prevalent in poor communities that it is treated as the norm.

We don't have to go through a history lesson of rappers who have managed to find a good niche in the acting world.

It doesn't change the fact that at the base of it all, 50 Cent is just not a good actor.

Regardless of his roots, he is just a crumby actor.

Somebody mentioned earlier the pre-careers of Robert DeNiro or Sidney Poitier, and whether they should be based on the merit of what they did before they were actors. It's a simple answer really. People like this aren't admired because of the way that they grew up, but because they are damn fine at what they do.

50 Cent... not so much.

You can rattle off rap/acting history as long as you want. You can scold somebody for perceived racism or accuse somebody of being narrow-minded, but at the end of the day, 50 Cent is a bad actor. He does not deserve to be in movies.

www.myspace.com/eligeddis for my music


"Okay Supertramp234, that is just stupid; so stupid in fact that you settled the age long debate of who is smarter, men or women."

"Are you serious? You critisize him for generalization and then do the exact same thing one sentence later."

furious_george13, you say that you laughed supertramps comment and thought it was meant to be a joke. I was joking about the who is smarter line. This can be viewed as more of a joke because you can't prove which sex is smarter, but the comment about rappers playing drug dealers, pimps, and gangsters because that is who they are is a stereotypical comment. But if I offended anyone with the joke sorry.

Oh, by the way white kids in the suburbs are the biggest dealers and drug users, and gang violence is actually more prevalent in the white community, but yet you hardly see any white rappers. Go figure.
"I'd love to aggree with you, but this is highly untrue. I'd like to see some statistics if you're going to pass this off as gospel. Most likely the only reason one would think this is because it would stand out as more of an anomaly in a high-class suburb community, whereas unfortunately this violence is so prevalent in poor communities that it is treated as the norm."

For the statistics on gang violence I have a link for you that shows that from 1976 to 2004 gang violence was higher among white people than any other group. ( http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/race.htm )It was harder getting something about drug use in the white community but here are two links. ( http://www.wpxi.com/health/2502760/detail.html ) and ( http://www.sullivan-county.com/z/drug_use.htm )

The point of what I was saying wasn't exactly a racial one; my point was that drugs and violence are everywhere and has to do with everyone, not just rappers.

Whether or not 50 cent is a good actor or not isn't something one can answer, based on one film. 50 was bad in Get Rich or Die Tryin but would you call Tom Hanks a terrible actor based on Joe vs the Volcano or Halle Berry based on Catwoman? Does 50 deserve to be in movies? Again that can't be answered because being in a movie isn't exactly winning a medal of honor. It is rare to see an important actor, but you often see great ones.

Oh, I liked your myspace page, F.I.S. especially.


Ok, I really want to see Joe vs The Volcano now.

But it's also important to look at the actual movie in question. I haven't even heard of it but I assume that Joe vs The Volcano is supposed to be either very lame or very silly? And Catwoman was never going to be a great success.

But Get Rich or Die Tryin' was 50 Cent trying to pull off real dramatic acting in a movie meant to convey the difficulty of growing up in gang violence. Ehhhh, kind of a failure?

I was looking at the statistics. I appreciate your research on these things, but it's dificult to tell what parallels gang violence has with homicide (which is what the links lead to), plus I hardly feel myself qualified to debate racial issues. I grew up in one of the whitest towns in Canada.

Haha, and yeah, being in a movie isn't exactly a badge of honour, but it is something that a lot of people are trying to make a living of. It's never going to be solved, but hogging the spotlight with little talent to warrant it just leaves the little dogs in the dust. If 50 Cent pulls off a miracle and gets any praise for his acting ability in the future, I'll admit that I'm wrong.

And thank you for listening to my music! I'm actually astonished that somebody did! It means a lot to me.

But still... 50 Cent?

www.myspace.com/eligeddis for my music


If I had a nickel for how many useless threads there are on this site, I would be one rich man. Sure 50 Cent sucks, but who cares, if you dont want to see the movie then dont. If you do, go see it. Stop crying about how disrespectful it is and all this other garbage, because its people that always pull the "im so offended!" card that are the real problems. Why dont you just grab a sign and go waste some more time protesting somewhere or go back to selling bibles. Worthless...

Wanna make some extra spending cash?



That im not as bad as the people that start them. And yes, im done with this one, i have better things to do than sit here and argue with a bunch of housewives.

Wanna make some extra spending cash?


