
This is the reason that I refuse to see this movie:

Oh where to start...the horrible salute, or the ridiculous looking pizza man beret with no unit crest. He's wearing a Combat Infantryman's Badge and has the 4th Infantry Div. patch on his shoulder, so I'm going to go ahead and assume that he has a unit. And for God's sake he's got a *beep* beard, give me a break.
This movie is a disgrace, the filmmakers didn't even care enough to take the time to pay attention to even the biggest details. And don't start giving me *beep* about being nitpicky, that one picture shows just how little the directors and makers cared to make a movie with any quality.


about the beard. maybe hes got a shaving profile hahaha.


Well he's not evan in the movie that much and it's a good movie


Yeah, the movie's good. Judging the entire movie on just one picture is the dumbest and most stubborn thing I've ever heard of. I can understand if you don't want to see it because of 50 Cent, because that's how I felt at first. But give it a chance, it's a really good movie. And 50 surpised me. He wasn'g amazing, but he did surprise me.
