Flippin' Pathetic

I'm sorry, but I just can't get all worked up about soldiers coming back from Iraq all jacked up.

This Iraq deal is not even a war, it's an illegal occupation, and sorry to say an exercise designed first and foremost to facilitate the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline.


I'm surprised you feel this way. You should be happy about this movie along with a lot of other anti-military and anti-Iraqi war movies that are being made and released.


why does being against the war equate to not supporting the troops for you

they have a job to do and they do it, you think some of them aren't against the war and that they want to be over there?


GOD!! This is so wrong! You can't support troups and be agains the war. Please tell me which way you actually show support while being against everything they are doing. I'm getting a bit sick of this redicluous arguement. You are all full of S%@*


since my husband is in the Army I can tell you that I do support him and his friends and all the Army wives and spouses along with every other branch but I don't support the war I don't understand it and I personally find it ridiculous.. even more so when our husbands are gone for 18 months fighting and nothing is really getting resolved and all Bush talks about is more funding and staying longer..

BUT you're a dumbass to think that you have to be against a war and against the thousands of people fighting in it also , have you never heard of care packages? thats a way to show support, the yellow ribbons don't say I SUPPORT THE WAR IN THE IRAQ, they say SUPPORT THE TROOPS, writing letters to the troops, having concerts for the troops (how many of those celebrities who go over there do you really think are for this war?) you are supporting the people sent to do their jobs not the people who are sitting in DC making the decisions to send them over there, soldiers really don't have much say in whether or not they are going or not and I can tell you that when my husband enlisted he was told that there was a huge chance that he would not get sent to Iraq

Anti Bush does not mean Anti military.. you're protesting against the wrong people just like Vietnam .. its so sad


Go spend some time in a war zone and then we'll see how "worked up" you get. Dont bother opening your mouth on things that you cant understand.
