Hollywood won't make....

....a movie about Iraq that puts America in a positive light -- even though the movies they make lose money, like this bomb did.

I heard a Hollywood producer on the radio say that he can't tell a positive story about Iraq - even though people would probably line up around the block to see it. The power brokers in Hollywood won't allow it.

And the result are anti-American movie after anti-American movie that die at the box office.

This movie made fourty three thousand dollars at the box office?

What a joke.

I hated it.




Oh, come on. You don't think there are any good stories to tell about American (or British) soldiers doing maybe something good to protect some Iraqi civilians -- who might want to live a normal life -- from fanatical, throat cutting lunatics?

There were, after all, some happy people when Saddam fell. There was hope. Then the damned place fell into civil war, with Americans and British in the middle.

I think there are plenty of stories to tell about Americans keeping the factions from murdering each other. There are some success stories to tell, like Anbar province finally turning against fantatical, ultra-orthidox Al Quaida and supporting America's to help them establish some sort of normalcy.


