MovieChat Forums > Home of the Brave (2007) Discussion > What the hell did I just watch?

What the hell did I just watch?

This was advertised as 2 hours of pure balls-out gunfights and action.

I rented it, and I saw 5 minutes of balls-out action. By comparison, I saw 1hour 50mins of Iraq veterans griping and 5mins of Samuel L. Jackson saying hilarious stuff ("Buck fush? Buck YOU, you son of a bitch!")


I know. I rented this today and all the pics on the DVD show war scenes and one goodbye scene (which actually turned out to be a hello scene). The summary on the back talks about a humanitarian mission ambushed and them fighting to stay alive. I'm expecting a good war flick similar to Black Hawk Down so I rent it and the "war" is over in about 15 minutes???
The movie was ok but I expected a war flick not a post-battle rehabilitation movie.


It's an after war in what happens after our soldiers, sailors, marines, and perhaps an airman or two when they get home..Our hometown studios make many movies about this and have made...for the entire history if the U.S....and other countries as well....

(You may hate the job we are sent to do today...but you love us when the job we are sent to do saves your life and preserves the life of your children to come.....what if we never were involved in WWI or WWII of any of the gulf conflicts? Remember our armed servies are an all voluntary force these days..)


That's not my point. I don't mind after-war movies, I'd just like it if the studios actually advertised them as such.
