MovieChat Forums > Home of the Brave (2007) Discussion > United States Is the Home of the Brave b...

United States Is the Home of the Brave but This Movie Sucked

Bad acting and bad camera angles.


Ok, i really hate people saying this about a movie trying to do something differnet and for the people who hate the americans in Iraq, trust me its not a good place, I one of those people and give us and all the men and girls some credit for fight for there home country, this war is like vietnam, this war will change our lives


he is right though, 50 Cent cant act for sh!t......

STEWIE: Never call them that again! It's Lois and the Fatman! Do you hear me?


your talkin *beep* this war is only like vietnam because u shudnt be there. this war and the vietnam war were/are none of ur goddamn business. ur doing a *beep* job in Iraq or AAAyyyyyraq as u call it. The A team could have done better.

btw the United States is not Home of the Brave its home of the *beep*


The USA is certainly not the Home of the Brave, you may have that in your dull Star Spangled Banner anthem (the tune of which was stolen from a British soldiers DRINKING song) but it is false.


Generally to fight for your country, you need a reason.

Saddam didn't attack you.

So the reason was....



No, he didn't attack us, he invaded his neighbor then violated the terms of the cease fire; therefore giving us reason to RESUME hostilities. Get some contxt.


yea he invaded Kuwait 16 years ago...Gulf War. Then he doesnt do *beep* to you and America invade Iraq. wtf...?


Violated the terms of his surrender with the WMD's, And before you say there are none:,2933,120137,00.html


Interesting that such an event would have made world news, yet uhm.. hasnt. The only reports that make the news here in the UK are of rebels and insurgents driving vehicles of chemicals into populated areas and blowing them up. Something which has nothing to do with the DECISCION to invade. As I split my year between the UK and USA I know for a fact that american news networks broadcast 'news' which isn't corroborated in europe. And even the UN in that article didn't sound convinced.

Look at the current hearings over the fake heroism stories the uS military put out.

Bravery is not about running into a hail of bullets. Its about doing whats right for the right reasons. I fervently hope and await the righteaous US to follow their policies of the last five years and invade North Korea after their succesful nuclear detonation as they are a far greater military threat to the US than Iraq ever was. But, alas, with nuclear China and Russia sitting around NK, the US would never dare. Curious how your countries moral conviction on WMD changes when the country gets a WMD.


Let me see, being brave like British Chicken sh*t sailors and marines that let themselves be captured instead of putting up a fight???? British military is useless (Just like the French). Britain seems to be our "Ally" but it seems they only send token amounts of soldiers who cant do *beep* and whine when they do have to do something. Next time, stay home. You'll be more usefull.

At least with the French you know what you are getting up front. Churchill is turning over in his grave right now, and Wellington is weeping at the state of the British "Empire".


As for the British Army, they were not to bad when I was over there. As far as MR CBR1 or what ever your name is, We did "hmmm" find WMD, we also found the components to make these WMDs while I was over there in 2003-04. The war is unpopular, no war ever really is, but what ever the cause that we soldiers were sent over for, we did good things while we were there. Sad that the country is now in Civil War and that it's all going South for them, but that is kinda there mess to clan up now, we stopped a major player in the war on terrorism, and our troops, American and British fight and die for the peace and stability we have to make all the snide comments I keep reading on these chat boards.

Bravo One Out!


Has this person seen the film. Some are afraid to hear criticism directed at the United States so they lock their doors before anyone knocks.

Does this "novicegammer" assessment warrant response simply because of a flimsy, gauzy try at "objectivity," mentioning, what.... Cameras and lighting. So it's an informed film review?

Next comes the bemoaning on something to do with "conspiracy theories". Will you follow this line?


"Let me see, being brave like British Chicken sh*t sailors and marines that let themselves be captured instead of putting up a fight???? British military is useless (Just like the French). Britain seems to be our "Ally" but it seems they only send token amounts of soldiers who cant do *beep* and whine when they do have to do something. Next time, stay home. You'll be more usefull. "

At least we dont rape little Iraqi girls when we are meant to be protecting the people from insurgents.


"I fervently hope and await the righteaous US to follow their policies of the last five years and invade North Korea after their succesful nuclear detonation as they are a far greater military threat to the US than Iraq ever was. But, alas, with nuclear China and Russia sitting around NK, the US would never dare. Curious how your countries moral conviction on WMD changes when the country gets a WMD."

So you want us to get out of Iraq because of the thousands of deaths and start a war with possibly millions of deaths. Riiight. That makes sense. The reason we went to Iraq is so we don't have another North Korea or rogue state with WMDs. Pretty simple really unless you have a political agenda and wish to put aside common sense.

BTW North Korea is in check by China and Russia who do not want an unstable Asia while they're making a killing in the global markets. You're own diatribe made the case for the invasion of Iraq.


"Violated the terms of his surrender with the WMD's, And before you say there are none:,2933,120137,00.html";

haha.... read the story, this is no proof that SADDAM had wmd's, which was our whole justification for entry, anyone that has connections to the black market, like for example, the iraqi "insurgents" can get sarin gas, im sure that *someone* has chemical wmd's in every country in the world... doesn't mean we should invade all of them, oh, and by the way, never link to fox news when you are trying to prove a point about politics, anyone (regardless of party affiliation) who has the least bit of insight about world politics knows that fox may as well be bush's press secretary (which is funny because tony snow used to host a show on fox before he became the white house press secretary) I haven't even seen this movie, my only interest in it comes from the fact that it was filmed in my home town, but the terrors of war are real, and the fact is that we don't belong in iraq at all, oh, and i voted for bush in 2004.


'Home of the Brave'?!

Bravery is commited by human beings all over the world. I hope you aren't insinuating that such an act is resigned solely to your continent?

OK, I'm being pedantic.

Are you saying most of the USA are brave? Or just their soldiers?

I seem to remember a video leaked onto British news a month or two ago, taken from a US fighter whose pilot decided to destroy a ground-based convoy before awaiting confirmation of its allegience. Of course, that convoy was British. 'We're going to jail dude' said the pilot over his radio, upon learning of what he had just done.

I've always wanted to know if this video was also broadcast on US news?

The bravery of your troops is not an issue. It takes *beep* guts for anyone to go into a warzone. But 'inconsistantly effective' and 'sloppy' could be a just criticism considoring the friendly fire we've suffered from certain isolated cowboy approaches.
However, I'm by no means saying that British troops are perfect.

I love the USA as a country. I like American people. But I do share the tired sentiment (which almost feels like a cliche!) that their government's Foreign Policy is WANK.


He violated human rights. Honestly, if the leader of a nation threatened to kill millions of people, you would do nothing because it's not your problem? Hmm, I see the same people complaining that America only went into WWII because they were invaded, yet they complain about America invading Iraq because that country did nothing wrong to them.


The war is not black and white, there is no clear definition of what should and should not have been done. All these boosties saying the US is terrible for what they are doing are the same ones who would be crying for help had SADDAM funded terrorists blow their houses up.

So whats right? Wait for Saddam to kill our children, then get him out of power... maybe he never would have done anything, or maybe he was about to.

All you chickenshiz with your 20/20 hindsight have lots to say. So what do you say about IRAN or N Korea?

So what do you do, kill the killer before he kills you or wait until after he kills you?.... or just sit on your hands and make no decision?

There is no clear answer... but Im a proud american and no terrorists have been in my neighborhood since this war has started, I wonder why?


For the war part of this discussion, I could go either way. I'm generally one of those peace-loving hippy types who thinks everything can be settled over a nice dinner and some grown-up conversation. The problem is humans, by in large, are immature. We don't take the time to understand each other. Now, I'm not pointing fingers here. I could be talking about any of our leaders: Bush, Blair, Hussain, etc.

All that political stuff aside, we, as a people, reflect all of it. One of the things I will never understand is when I read or hear the words "I hate Americans" or "I hate America." These words are generally written or said by people who've never been here or taken the time to really get to know an American. For those of you who can say that and actually have that first hand experience with us, I'm not convinced you haven't been influenced by world opinion, and I think that opinion stems from the stigma that the U.S. is supposed to be the "greatest country in the world" and it's not perfect. Maybe that triggers some resentment in people.

I don't know the psychology. I don't get it. What I do know is I'm happy here. I have a lot of friends who are caring and compassionate people. There are a lot of good people here. I was fortunate enough to get a good education and become somewhat successful. It's not a perfect place. I wouldn't know how to make it better, but it's a good place to live, full of good people to know. And I'm sure if I came to your country, I would find the same if I really took the time to understand your people and your way of life.

Oh, and as for the war, I wonder if those outside of the U.S. know we mostly oppose it. Right now, our newly-elected democratic Congress is trying to establish a timeline for pull-out, but it's meeting a lot of resistance from President Bush. I'm not going to say where I stand because I don't feel I've done enough research to really have an opinion; I know I love my country and its people, and I'll support them.

As for what this has to do with the film, I have no idea. I just saw an article on it in the entertainment section of the newspaper this morning and thought I'd look it up on IMDB.


"One of the things I will never understand is when I read or hear the words "I hate Americans" or "I hate America." These words are generally written or said by people who've never been here or taken the time to really get to know an American.?"

Interesting point you see what you ignorant people do is first of all believe the bull**** that you see on CNN and all the propaganda telling you how great America is and then you also seem to forget that you support terorists (Taliban and Israel) as well as start wars/invasions or "coalitions" as you like to call them when it goes against the decision of the UN!!! Yes that means Bush (and Blair) are war criminals. Lets face it...the war in Iraq has been an absolute disaster because it has killed more innocent people than Saddam killed during his tenure. I could go on a lot more but I have better things to do...i just want to make my point. And yes I have been to America, nice place and all...


" see what you ignorant people do is first of all believe the bull**** that you see on CNN and all the propaganda telling you how great America is and then you also seem to forget that you support terorists (Taliban and Israel) as well as start wars/invasions..." might be right about the propoganda. Although, we have a free press, and hundreds and hundreds of news papers across our country, not to mention the hundreds and hundreds of national and local news television stations. I know we have the "most powerful" government in the world in all, but I think it would be amazing if our government could cover them all.

Americans are people, and I like to think people believe what they see. Sure, they believe what other people tell them, but if we see it, that's much stronger. I just don't think we're missing anything...

...because, Oli, this is the most unpopular war we've ever waged. Most of us here, don't want us over there, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't generalize.

"The war in Iraq has been an absolute disaster because it has killed more innocent people than Saddam killed during his tenure." Doubtful. Where'd you hear this? I find it highly improbable that this war, which is only several years old, has killed as many innocent people as a man who is famous for genocide and who was in control for many, many years. Maybe it's you who shouldn't believe everything you see on CNN or whatever you have.

"You also seem to forget that you support terorists (Taliban and Israel)." No I don't. What the hell!? Where did that come from? Maybe Israel because it's a nation of people mostly innocent people, but I certainly don't support any group of psychobabbling, moronic, self-rightious, hallucinating, village idiots. Did we support them in the 80s? Yes, because the Taliban was a group of freedom fighters then.

"I could go on a lot more but I have better things to do...i just want to make my point." No, that's bull! Don't come on here and make a bunch of unfounded generalizations and then say you're done. First of all, this isn't the place to be having this kind of discussion. We should be talking about film. Second of all, that's just a coward thing to do, and really, if that's the action you choose to take, I think I've taken enough time out of my day because you're the close-minded type. You don't want to listen to anyone besides yourself and those whom you agree with. You're quick to make a decision about something, and then you're done debating. Of course, I could be wrong, but that's not what I've seen from you so far, and I believe the things I see.

And don't pull that "looks can be decieving" BS out of your cliche pocket. I'm not gullable, if that's what you're going to say.


If there's no terrorists in your area since the war started, how come there's terror plots being busted and people being arrested?


terror plots were being busted before 9/11 man - they just weren't made public. Now, they inform the public of these "busts" to keep the fear in place and to HOPEFULLY gain support of the a useless war over in the middle east.

Why do people not get this!!!!!!!!!!!!???????

"This town needs an enema!"-The Joker


why has this message board become a way for people to voice their opinion on how much the USA sucks.


Because people have nothing better to do. Not saying i agree or disagree, but its just funny to see all the little people on here so angry because they cant control anything.
Wanna make some extra spending cash?


"If there's no terrorists in your area since the war started, how come there's terror plots being busted and people being arrested?"

I don't think you're intending to but you are making the case FOR the War on Terror.


"So whats right? Wait for Saddam to kill our children, then get him out of power... maybe he never would have done anything, or maybe he was about to.

All you chickenshiz with your 20/20 hindsight have lots to say. So what do you say about IRAN or N Korea?"

How about in Africa? Mugabi's a ruthless bastard if you ask me! But maybe its not even remotely plausible that we could pretend he was going to attack our countries with (wonderfully named) Weapons of Mass Destruction.

In response to "wait for saddam to kill our children" - I'd like to know in what way saddam was going to come near children in America (or England)? The only children terrified of him would have lived in the Middle East and in the homes of soldiers who were out there during the gulf war(s).

I'm glad when people tell me they are proud to be from somewhere. I wish we had the same pride in England as Americans seem to. Its wonderful.

However, I wish I knew to what scale the media scare is towards terrorists in the US. We don't get it much over here, just updates on the 7/7 bombings manhunt every now and then.


another moron thread for morons who dont know what they are talking about and just use the thread to making racist remarks about other countries, get a grip guys, none of you really dont know anything and never will.

oh and you cant say 'americans are brave and so and so countries arent'

individual people are brave no matter where they are from


USA should try not to stick their nose in other countries buissness so much, what other countries forced an other government upon you, I'm not saying saddam was a nice guy but neither is Bush.

"Civilization is a *beep* failure" - Serj Tankian, System of a down



They are not fighting and dying for my freedom. They are fighting and
dying to get some oil for the US. Countries like the US should be
doing something about the global warming. Countries like Norway focus their
time and resources on the most important issue, and that is global warming.

The US.. instead of helping us doing something with this problem, they make
it much worse. What is the Americans going to do with the oil, when they
have *beep* killed everyone one the planet.

I feel that all the soldiers are dying for nothing, and it really pisses
me of. Why does Americans always pick the *beep* warlords for president.

Save Stargate SG-1! Visit


"Countries like Norway focus their
time and resources on the most important issue, and that is global warming..."

Hasn't been proven that global warming is anything more than a natural planetary cycle, you may want to save the "sky is falling" rhetoric for something mankind can actually affect. Like spreading western values across the globe, dispersing real, accurate knowledge. And of course Paris Hilton's remarkable journey of self discovery thru the California legal system...



Why is it that Europeans always conveniently forget their 500 hundred years of very piss poor foreign policies? I seem to recall it went much like this...convert, give me your gold...silver,err anything of value, or we will kill you and destroy your civilization. Screw it, we will kill you no matter what.

You people were in charge of things for a long time, screwed pretty much everything up, now we are left to deal with it alone. No wait...we have Brittan whining like a a 13 year girl at us all the time, thats a big help.

Maybe if you people hadn't F#CKED the world for hundreds of, screw it, its ALL the US's fault.

Read a book



September 11th, the flood in new orleans + + + . You sure god is blessing america?



Sure thing. I will catch up with you at the institution, mate. We will have a blast chasing the nurses. Might help you through puberty as well.



You offering to dress up as a nurse?
Maybe we could sit down and teach you how to write your own language as well. Its probably not too cool to have people on the other side of the globe spell your own language better than you. People might think you are dumb or something. And we can`t have that now can we?



Dyslectic? Suuuuuure. That would explain it. And yes I have been in the army. 12 months army service is mandatory where I`m from. Doubt you have been in a war though. Have to be 18 to be sendt out into action in the dutch army right?
And of course I sympathize with the victims of 9/11, as well as the New Orleans victims. And yes i watch tv, and I also read alot. I even read stuff thats not written by rude dutch teens as well .)
My I.Q level is quite ok as well. Wich is why I don`t use words like "buttmonkey" and "M8".

Have a nice day though.



Yep I thought it ironic that when they use a line like "may god continue to bless america", when terrorist attacks and natural disasters clearly arn`t a blessing. I never said anyone deserved things like that happening to them. It was fairly obvious really. Maybe it was your dyslexia that got the better of you.



Is that the best argument you can come up with? That one was probably your lamest one yet.



Example of my hypocritizm please.



When you try to be cool by saying something like;

September 11th, the flood in new orleans + + + . You sure god is blessing america?

Later on;

And of course I sympathize with the victims of 9/11, as well as the New Orleans victims.`re not too bright are you? Saying that something bad is happening is not the same as thinking its a good thing you know. Naturall disasters and terrorist attacks isn`t considered to be a blessing. Not by any society I know anyway. So, in your opinion, if I don`t think that it IS a blessing, I don`t feel any sympathy for the victims? Ehm........ok......I guess that would make sense.....for you.



Have a nice puberty.



Hey, Boudewijn... "Troll" is spelled with two l's ;)

Ze goggles! Zey do nottink!



Actually, I was expecting skoobaba to read and understand that message ;)

As for you, check this link:

Ze goggles! Zey do nottink!


I did understand it quite well :)


Only Curtis Jackson's (50 Cent) acting wasn't so good and I like the camera angles.
Samuel L. Jackson, Jessica Biel,Brian Presley, Victoria Rowell und Christina Ricci were great in this movie. My opinion is, that "Home of the Brave" is better than "The Flags of our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo Jima".

Home of the Brave 9/10.

Letters from Iwo Jima 8.5/10.

The Flags of our Fathers 8/10.
