Not enough of a jerk

The problem with this comic premise is that we need to believe that the main character deserves a comeuppance. But Jack McCall isn't really enough of a jerk; he's a fast-talker, maybe a bit too much so, but not to the point that he really deserves the curse that's placed upon him--at least not to die once his thousand words are up (why couldn't he just go mute?). LIAR LIAR set up its protagonist's failings quite well--just one more reason why that's a better film.


Agreed, it's Disproportionate Retribution.


Why not just have it so that he goes mute when the last leaf falls? That would be, for the character, a pretty awful fate, AND it would fit much better.

Not that this film doesn't suck, but I might as well make some reasonably constructive criticism.


Did you see the movie? I didn't but I guess he's supposed to be a dishonest schemer. I wonder how long he had to go without using up all his thousand words before he can finally speak without fear of consequence?

There's only one party worse than this: the Donner party-and they had better food!


Not enough of a jerk? The man went around beating on his employee. That's employee abuse, and the company would have been sued in real-life.


But the premise of the film is centered on his use and abuse of words, and by the point in the film when the curse is applied to him, about the worst thing he had done was pretend to have a wife in labor to cut a line at Starbucks and get his coffee free. Which is bad, yes, but going by the standards of farcical comedy, still not that terrible.


He needed to be redeemable.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


Well I don't think this was happening simply because he was a bad person. He was just a person that would speak at other people instead of listening and understanding what is going on with other people. He didn't really listen to the needs of his family, of his mom, or even his employees. He figured he could get his way by simply being a fast talker.

Come visit my


I thought that as well. This would work more if he was more of a prick.
