That ending

I know I'm going to be seen as one of those people who just loves happy endings, but I have loved many endings that aren't really happy at all and this one just made me confused.

In the end, from what I understood, he decides to not fire Six and instead get himself fired from the company by telling people not to buy Kok. He then tells her his real name is Michael and she kisses him because she's in love with him and because he didn't fire her like it was expected of someone in that business. What I don't get is why she continued to tell him her name is Six. She made him walk away because he didn't want to be with her if she continued to lie to him and keep her image.

Did I interpret it correctly or is there something I missed?



She did have a normal life before being 6, she wanted to be a ballerina. Or was that something she made up by looking at the TV? (which was showing something about ballet)



Yes she did the old Usual Suspects trick


Sounds about right.


ye my interpretatino is very similiar. At the end Michael just followed the very logical advice he gave to all on TV. He just understood that 6 was for him just ... Syrup :D

Some questions popped up im my head after this understanding:

Did he really love 6?

At the beginning, yes:
he loved her for how she could hold up the 6-Image. In his eyes, she was like him, able to see how everyone in society cared only for the nonsense: Image. And she was perfect in exploiting this. And he loved her for many other unexplainable reasons...

At the end, (once you love, you can't erase that feeling so fast, so) still yes, but:
he could finally see that she didnt love him truely, she didnt even trust him her name and that led him to the thinking that she was just a dream for him, nothing more. Her love was just illusion, marketing, a dream, call it whatever you want. And Michael didnt want that. Michael loved the reality far more.

Was 6 really pretending still?

6 was maybe pretending for too long to be 6, that she didint need to pretend anymore. She was 6. That would ironacally imply she didnt lie at the end telling she is 6. Well, however 6 felt, she knew (should have know at that point) that Michael wanted to know her real name at that point, but she didnt say it.

Would i have done the same in Michael's situation?


Anyways, i LOVED this ending


**** Warning, spoiler alert ****
*** If you haven't seen the movie yet be aware that this reviles a lot of info ***

No No, I think you guys got it half way but missed a very important part of it. 6 did tell Michael (Scat) the truth at several points imo. She told him that she could never trust anyone and that she always had to be in control.

If you recall the scene where they get picked up and met up again at Fizz Co. 6 is handed her name badge, yet she covers it away from Scat. In that scene you can actually see the name on that tag: Elizabeth.

Personally I think that Scat was the only one in the movie that actually saw reality and everything else and everyone was too involved in the branding that they became disillusioned. Even at the end where Scat met with Pete and he was talking again. Scat wasn't mad, in fact he was relieved, that was until Pete said that he wanted to reinvent himself.

Perception is reality. That was the repeating message in the movie.

I gotta say I wasn't expecting much from this film but was pleasantly surprised. It was very well done.


He could finally see that she didn't love him truly.

It doesn't make sense cause she quit because of him(scat), so she truly loved him but at the end she didn't tell him her real name ....I don't get it.


Yes, that's the ending.. You didn't miss anything.
There was a moment when I thought that "Six" might be her real name but when I saw ballerina on the TV screen behind I figured out that she keeps lying him.. and that's so stupid! If she really loves him how the directors of the movie made her she must have told him her real name and there should have been a happy ending !
But now when I keep thinking.. I have something else on my mind...


I think in the movie that she was meant to be lying but in the book, Six is her actual name.



in the book, Six is her actual name.

how did they reveal that?
my interpretation is the juxtaposition of scat loving six and showing that by telling her his name is michael.
six loves scat too but not more than she loves herself - which is why she doesnt reveal herself to him.
the message there being that there is more than one way to (and show) love



I told myself from the very beginning everything is a lie, so no surprises throughout the movie at all.

Thou' it's stated I've been a member since 2002, it should have been 1993


I actually respected the ending somewhat in everything wasnt tied up in a nice bow


I wonder why is that six was rather resultant to reveal her real name,


i never read the book but maybe its a case of giving her name is giving him power over her or its has an intimate significance she wasnt willing to share.


I can't agree more with "y_ahmet" and "customflip".

Maybe because it got something to do with rumors about Zepcho's management grooming Scat as their new vice president (someone who could tell her what or what not to do; plus the serving breakfast issue and Six hate that) and she felt being offended and afraid of loosing her best corporate counterpart.

I assume that Scat saw Six's name tag; that is 'Elizabeth' as mentioned above at Zepcho's and testing her by asking her real name in order to determine whether he is in love with an image or real people. Unfortunately, until then Six kept lying and wanted to keep her image.

In fact, Pete already told Scat that he was in loved with an image because Scat told Pete that he didn't know Six's real name before.

Deep down in Scat's heart, this is not a marketing. This is a serius relationship and when it comes to it, the truth does matter and it's a reality, not a perception. To him, the taste of the syrup is a real deal, not the brand. (Judging from some scene where he kept drinking *beep* passionately especially when he try to get it in front of the vending machine madly)
