Is that Coldplay in the trailer?

Seriously, is it? My sister's a big fan and she really wants to know. Many thanks to anyone who can shed any light on this!



Hey man have some sensitivity, she might be 8'7" ... a BIG fan ...



Ok, maybe she's not a huge fan, but she's a young girl and really likes coldplay. I myself don't care very much for them, but I was just trying to find out for her.

BTW, that comment about her being a BIG fan... hehe! Me likey! pretty clever. :)

Anyhoo... ok, so now we know who it is! Thanks!


new law: citizens are not allowed to turn on the radio until they have spent a set quota of hours listening to david bowie. i'm thinking fifty or so would be good.

seriously, you thought that song was by coldplay?


OMG hilarious



I don't know about the trailer, but Coldplay's "Trouble" is used in the film.


yes "Trouble" was in the film...all of these songs sound very relevant now, hmm?
