If I pay my credit card bills completely (and on time)

will it hurt me in trying to receive a loan to buy a home?

I have been told that because I am responsible with my credit card (I only use one), that banks will see me a someone that they will not make any money off of. Therefore, it will be hard for me to get a loan.

So, if this is true, do banks punish people who try to be responsible with their credit cards?


No, it wont hurt you to pay your cards off completely and on time.

However, to truly maximize your credit scores (FICO), it's best to leave a slight balance on one of your credit cards (more than 0% but less than 10% utilization).


I care about my credit score about as much as I care about the World Cup scores. If someone does not want to offer me credit because I actually pay my bills on time, then screw them! I will find someone else who will offer it for the same reason. Noone should be obligated to give me credit or loan me money.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


They don't punish you but they hate your guts. :)



I wish everyone in your situation who can't pay it off would call the company 20 times a day, or as much as they can manage and just keep asking for low interest rates.

I tried it once with Providian. I told them I'm gonna keep calling and eat up enough of your employee's time that you'll have to hire a new person just to handle me. I could only keep it up for about 2 weeks. They didn't budge. I was wishing people happy Tuesday and all kinds of other dumb $hit when I called.

This way the extra money they'd get from the interest goes right out the door.

