I wonder how much I could get...

If I were to apply for every credit card I could get my hands on and liquidate as much credit as I could? I have two blemishes on my credit history, nothing good - but according to the film that may result in my being offered even MORE. So how much money could I get and how long could I keep this up for, if I never made any payments?

'Tis better to remain silent and let them think you a fool than to open your mouth and prove them right



You could keep it up for about a month.

In theory, you could keep applying for new unsecured, revolving accounts (ie, credit cards) but eventually your FICO score would start to drop from all of the inquiries and new accounts. In addition, your average age of account would drop, reducing your credit score even more. Even if you don't use the cards, then odds are your credit lines would decrease as the credit card companies ran reviews of your existing credit lines.

The key would be to apply for as many cards as possible, very quickly in hopes you can get each card before the inquiries register at the credit report agencies.

And then max out each card as quickly as possible. But even then, irregular activity can result in your credit lines being immediately reduced and as soon as the credit card companies report the over-utilization on your credit report, it'll all fall apart soon after.

The accounts will be closed and you'll be sued if you don't agree to their repayment terms.


Make sure, after you max out all your cards, to throw them in the lake, so that banks can not trace them.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.
