How collection agencies recruit

I work part time for a collection agency. And why? Well, I was bad with money, got in over my head, that sort of thing. Well, when it came down to it, the agency made me a deal. Work for them or go to jail. So, I chose to work for them. I'm paying for it now, having to make these dreaded collection calls and be a complete @sshole to people. But, it was my fault for even owning a freakin credit card to begin with. Every time I'm successful at getting someone to pay up, my own debt with these bottom feeders goes down a little more.

Those who refer to work as the highlight of their lives obviously don't have one.


How did you manage that-if you don't mind me asking? And what agency?


In about a month or so, when my debt with them is gone, and I no longer have to work for them, I will return to this board and reveal their name. I just can't risk it right now. Were you aware that some agencies recruit that way? They cut you a deal. If you come join them, you can work down your own debt with them, so to speak. I'm not sure if that's even legal, but then again, collectors usually don't think the law even applies to them.

Those who refer to work as the highlight of their lives obviously don't have one.


Thanks for getting back-I don't think that there is anything illegal, they are just skipping a step- your wages are applied directly to your debt rather than pay you and have you pay them back. I just am curious how tax time will work. Are there any advantages for you?


Your post is BS. You can not legally go to jail for debts. Debt is a civil matter, not a criminal one. Sure, they can sue you if you don't pay - which can lead to wage garnishment, a lien on bank account, etc; but you will never go to jail for it. Either you're incredibly dumb or just trying to scare people.


You can't go to jail for not paying a debt, exept for the IRS or child support. By the way that is also unconstitutional - meaning it's unconstitutional to put them in jail - but that's another issue.
