Sorry, guys ... your country simply is the most stupid, greedy, soul-less, brain-washed, god-forsaken, fake, idiotic, misled, violent, whored-out, childish ... in short *beep* up place under the sun.

I've been there three times ... and left with the same impression every time. I also tell you what's the worst part about your GRAND NATION: People really DO NOT listen to you ... all an American ever does whilst in a "conversation" is waiting for his turn to talk. I know it's stolen from FIGHT CLUB - BUT IT'S A B S O L U T E L Y TRUE.

Does anyone really wonder, why people hate your country? Gosh ... I understand Anti-Americanism very well ... The "culture" and "values" you're exporting are simply the worst.

T H A N K G O D for the coming economic crisis ... the American nightmare slowly, but surly ends ...

(my apologies to the 2 percent of Americans that actually are well-educated, soul-centered, caring people - I really feel sorry for you guys)

That said ... USA! USA! USA!


So why do you keep comming back to this country that you hate so much?

Does anyone really wonder, why people hate your country?

No. In order to wonder about something like that, I would have to care.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


erz- You came here, that's interesting? Why did you come here? And if you found it to be so bad the first time; why did you come back two more times?
I notice that you didn't mention where you're from. Are you not proud of where you come from? The way I interpret your post: you are very jealous of this country and wish your were an American.

I am posting to your comment because it is confusing. I can assume that the 18 must either be your age, or your IQ.

I disagree with one of your comments, which makes me doubt you've been here at all. Most Americans never let you get a word in period! At least the ones I know.
You have to answer a few questions all fairness.


Maybe you could start boycotting America? You can start with:

The American Intel processor in your computer, the tcp/ip protocol transporting your banal thoughts over the American invented internet, and finally -


I boycot american cars, because they are junk


loganrunjack-1 Pure propaganda. If it were true then why is Ford making the most reliable cars right now? Why do they last longer than most Japanese automobiles? Why do they have the best trucks on the road for many decades?

Chevrolet is not that bad either. They have had a few problems recently with two of there cars but they were minor. And even Chevrolet is now ranked higher in customer satisfaction over Toyota.

As for Chrysler you would be right. There cars are junk. But that is because they were bought out by Germans in the 90s. Since then Dodge, Chrysler, and Jeep have not been the same.

You man enough to back em' up with more than just a pie plate?
