Lending to students

The lady who examined the practices and says everything's hunky-dory is clearly evading any real understanding of the situation. Whether deliberately or not, she's being dishonest.

She says the practices of credit card companies of lending to students is based on studies that show which students/schools are most likely to repay debt etc. - the idea is that if they pay off their debts it must have been okay to lend to them. However, there's no mention of how many of those students repay the debt by borrowing elsewhere or having their family bail them out.

Credit is debt. To saddle a student with debt is to ensnare him often for life in a cycle of debt. To pretend that we can just ignore the problem and expect students to be more responsible is also dishonest, turning a blind-eye to the fact that most of the nation, and indeed the nation itself, clearly cannot be relied upon to make that judgement.

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."



She does not care. She is doing what she needs to do to keep her jobs. What you are talking about is ethics. Ethics? You want your job or do you want to talk ethics?

