The Robot Babies

Does anyone know if a company really makes them? My sister and I just watched the movie and while I think a company really makes them, she thinks that the robot babies were only made for the movie. If someone knows a website that I can find them at, it would be wonderful.


No man or woman can live another's fate.
~Viviane, The Mist of Avalon~


I think they were from the SFX dept. They were hilarious.


They were *beep* cliche and sucked more than anything ever,

And you can't buy one.



Yeah they really make them. They are called infant simulators.


Totally hilarious, especially the fact that they were so ugly!

When I think up a decent sig...I'll let you know.


Those things were truly horrifying. I hope they were just purposely exaggerated animatronics made for the movie, although that realityworks website's photos doesn't promise too much good. I'd never want to have children after having to be around that horror object for a couple of days.


Those were quite amusing.


They reminded me of Danny DeVito in the episode of It's Always Sunny where he shaves all his body hair off and lubes himself up.
