He was a communist...?

after the death tolls of Stalin, Mao, Castro, Lenin & Pol Pot is it any wonder that another communist would kill people?



I wouldn't exactly call him a Communist...more like socialist christian. Or something like that.

You can add a lot of capitalist leaders to your list, including GW. People want to believe in something greater than themselves...and whether they're fighting for "freedom" in another country or taking kool aid, they themselves don't believe there was anything wrong with what they were doing.

Many German citizens agreed with Hitler, raised their hands and called him master, but on the opposite side of the political spectrum.


Oh for pete's sake. GW is like Stalin or Mao? Please, he's just trying to protect the country from the psychos who would kill more innocent Americans like on 9/11. What is it with you Bush haters, you all come off deranged. Do you like terrorists or something?


But isn't that the way the 'terrorists' think?!? They are saving the world from the capitalist pigs??? I'm not saying I'm a fan of terrorists, or a Bush basher either...


Oh for pete's sake. GW is like Stalin or Mao? Please, he's just trying to protect the country from the psychos who would kill more innocent Americans like on 9/11. What is it with you Bush haters, you all come off deranged. Do you like terrorists or something? >>>>>

Oh shut the hell up. I guess most of the country likes Terrorists huh? I guess the 30% of people who support him must be the only ones that hate terrorists huh?

Idiot, you morons sure love to kiss his ass. I think you are the ones that are deranged.


Actually by the San Francisco days, Jones had given up the pretense of religion. He 'baptized' people in the 'Holy name of socialism', and referred to the bible as the 'little black book of lies and fairy tales.' He chose San Francisico because it was more accepting to the Marxist ideal, and picked Guyana due to its Marxist government. He was an early advocate what today is called the 'victim culture' ie: 'the deck is and always will be stacked against you, so your only hope is Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple.' Just as some groups today convince large groups of people that the system is 'so unfair' that big government is your only hope. If one did show a desire to try and improve their situation without the Temple ie: going to school and getting a job, they were shown the door.
To be fair to Jim, he did, especially in the Indy days, do a lot of good for alot of people. His underlying reason for anything he did was to make people indebted and dependent on...Jim Jones, and give him his power base. Substitute the word 'government' for 'Jim Jones' and you get the idea. Like so many other groups that start with the best of intentions, trying to make a change in society, help the oppresed, uplift the poor, etc. Jones ran the risk of being made obsolete by his own success. So you can accept that you've made a positive change in the world, or, if your like Jones, and want to keep your loyal followers/power base, you have to convince them that they are eternally going to be victims without him. Always look like your striving for victory, but just can't quite get there...if we only had a little more money...if we only raised taxes a little bit more...


This should be a Lesson learned... not necessarily a anti-communist lesson, not necessarily a anti-religious lesson, but a right to be an individual lesson. The right to think on your own. The right to travel. the right to be your own self.


This guy was just another *beep* manipulator with inmense feeling of greatness who just wanted his name to be known, he was a narcissist & he got what he wanted. Just like Charles Manson, Hitler etc.. They come with this msg of doing good but it's really a disguise for their own purpose of leaving their stamp. I just feel bad for the people who fall for it, & there will be more of them. People should watch these docs & not let themselves be brainwashed to kill your own children or really anyone's children, because yeah Jim Jones was messed up but at the end of the day it wasn't even him doing the crime it was the people themselves doing it which makes it even more messed up.



Socialist Christian...AWESOME term.
It fits so well.

Gay people...robots in disguise!


Jim Jones was never much of a socialist, and he was never much of a Christian. He was a Jimjonesist first, last, and all the way through. If you don't understand that, you'll never even begin to understand what made him tick.

"I don't deduce, I observe."


is it any wonder that another communist would kill people?

He was part of a CIA experiment, dumbass. A handler accompanied Leo Ryan (who was a thorn in the CIA's side and helped to dissolve some of the covert action capability of the CIA during the Carter years). He can be seen in this footage just before Ryan's plane was assaulted. The CIA have been pulling this Communist *beep* on the idiotic American masses for years. The CIA and KGB sometimes even drank together, as John Stockwell (ex-CIA operative in Angola) has said in his book.


at 4:27 Bill Kurtis identifies Richard Dwyer and he seen peeling away before the tractor comes to Port Kaituma airfield carrying the zombified assassins. If you know history Guyana was always a problem since its indenpendence from British Colonialists. (supposedly it was reprted that "U.S. Embassy official Richard Dwyer was wounded)


Yeah, not only Dwyer, but Larry Layton (the Jones lieutenant) was related to someone who arranged the lease on Jonestown with the Guyanese government.

Leo Ryan had an aide named Joseph Holsinger who thought the CIA was running a mind-control program, and had provided cover for Jones, in his trip to Brazil. Layton was in the airstrip hit team, and somehow "survived" the Jonestwon massacre. he was described as being in a "posthypnotic trance". There was this thing called "The Penal Colony". It was a paper Holsinger received detailing MK-Ultra (which was NOT stopped in 1973, as the CIA had told Congress). A large amount of psychoactive, mind-control drugs were found. Larry Layton's father was a biochemist in charge of chemical warfare for the U.S. Army in Utah. (add in the fact that many as 700 bodies were forcibly killed (not suicides).

Holsinger had a 1980 lecture where he stated; "I believe that it is possible that Jonestown may have been a mind-control experiment". Leo Ryan's visit had pierced that veil, and would have resulted in its exposure. Our government (or the CIA) deemed it necessary to wipe out over 900 Americans (mostly minorities) to protect the secrecy of the operation.

Not only that; but there were attempts to repopulate Jonestown with Dominican and Indochinese refugees, backed by the Billy Graham organization.

in 1980, there was "no evidence" of a CIA involvement in the Jonestown Massacre. But, by 1980, George Bush had taken control of the CIA.
