'Satanic' sounds near end of Death Tape

Anybody notice the slow/reversed speaking in the background of the Death Tape? Is this a flaw in the tape, or...?


He was known for using the same tapes EG: Taping over previously recorded stuff.
And when you re-record on cassette tapes repeatedly, the magnetic "stuff" tends to "wear out" over time and other recordings will start to bleed through. More than likely that's what you're hearing, although I haven't made it through that tapes entirety, it's chilling and I can only listen to it in small doses.



Anyone know where to DL the "full" version?

The "common" one (of which the link is posted these boards), seems to end before it gets really out of hand and people are actually dying.


I listened to the the sounds in the back ground. I worked on altering the sound and levels of the track. It's just radio music playing in the back ground of a gathering that may have happened a day or two before the suicide. It does sound evil and creepy, but if you mix the sound properly, you realize that it was probably just current music playing on a plain old radio. just slower and more distorted. Don't be afraid.


The death tapes are on youtube. Someone flagged a few of them so you will have to sign on to listen. (I don't understand why someone would flag it. Most kids wouldn't even understand what it was all about.)
