can't really forget about this...

I watched Jonestown:lost paradise and already researched enough to know the tragic ending....
I watched this film in order to know what really matter with Jonestown, from its birth....

Although I knew the ending...I can not get rid of horror in my mind....

This is one of the most disturbing history in 20th century along holocaust.

I bet all religious leaders including believers should watch this film and realize the danger of cult and fanaticism.....

Horror movies are ok for me, since it is not REAL!!!
But not HORROR DOCUMENTARY like this....It is disturbing that i am looking into the fact that really HAPPENED...Not Happening on FICTION BOOKS


It's incredibly disturbing because it happened, I agree. But there's lessons and a much bigger picture to glean from having studied something like what happened at Jonestown. The most important lesson, IMO, is to question everything. I imagine the survivors of Jonestown would probably say the same.

It's also important to realize that Peoples Temple and Jonestown were not built in one day, and the principles/ideals of the "church" were not always the same. It seemed like a pretty good deal for a lot of people (it's important to remember the time period here, and the social climate that PT was built in). I'm not saying that you necessarily have to watch the documentaries, view the photos, read the books, etc. But to get a better understanding of what something is, you have to study it. I don't find studying something like Peoples Temple/Jonestown disturbing at all. Ask "How would all of those people in Jonestown react to a thorough and compassionate analysis of what happened before, during, and after the event?" We're all human.

"I must express myself." - Delia Deetz


There is a new one coming out, just read it in The National Review.
