What made Jim Jones change?

How can somebody go from helping people to beating them and finally killing them. Was he always mean and just lied about helping people?

Or maybe we all are in a dream. I dont know what im saying sorry for wasting your time.


According to biographies, Jones was always a sociopathic, manipulative liar, even in his early days, long before the People's Temple. Running his own cult allowed him to let those tendencies run wild, without check.


He was always a communist. He wasn't even religious. He knew that the easiest way to get a mass of followers quickly. Both he and his wife even came out and said this a couple years before the mass murder/suicide.


Jones was always shady, yes. (Consider the friendship he struck up in the late 1940s with Dan Mitrione, then a Richmond, Indiana police officer and eventually an undercover operative for the CIA. Jones was still in his teens at the time and their association continued into the 1960s, when both men were up to some very dubious business in Brazil.) He got a lot of good press as a community organizer and an advocate for children, minorities and the poor, but Jones appears to have been part of a large-scale disinformation/diversion campaign from the beginning.
