Fake, plastic Nia Vardalos

What can I say that hasn't been said? I loved My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and Connie and Carla was great too. This was contrived and starch. Vardalos' smile took on a life of it's own after about five minutes - a sad, creepy, mannequin-like life. At about 30 minutes into the "film" she and John Corbett are walking through the park and on the wide shot even her walking is stiff. She was so natural and beautiful in MBFGW. There's nothing natural about her in this film. And for the record I think she wore less make-up as a "drag queen" in Connie and Carla, then she did in this movie. Another poster mentioned the "Joker-like smile", and I would have to add, his facial make-up too. I know she's trying to portray this super chipper, always upbeat woman, who's hiding a secret (bad relationship with her father), but she's so stiff and robot-like, that the sweet and chipper doesn't come off. Everyone else is really natural and good, but it seems Vardalos is only concerned with how she looks, and her preoccupation with that takes her out of the character and the moment. Just my humble opinion.


She really was like a robot in this role. Vardalos brought a lot of heart and authenticity to the movies you mentioned, so I am baffled as to what happened here. Her character made me uncomfortable.

Corbett was stiff, too, I thought. The same pained, strained expression on his face throughout. He phoned in this performance.

Expiration dates are mere suggestions! Like late fees and traffic lights.


Yes. What the heck is happening in that park scene? Awk-ward.
