Rape scene?

Did anyone notice when he raped the women at the camp sight? Why was that?


"Did anyone notice when he raped the women at the camp sight? Why was that?" - j-pohsub

iirc this wasn't just a random camp site, the people there had become sort of his groupies, or fanclub. What had happened was that people were holding him up as a hero, or a great holy man, and he was sick of it, as he knew the truth. So his idea was to do something to stop them worshipping him. He wasn't actually trying to rape her, he was just trying to convince them that he was, so that they would hate him and start living their own lives again. As he is walking away from the camp they are shouting at him and throwing stuff, he has a little smile because it's "mission accomplished", they no longer worship him.

Hope this helps.


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