Rank the 4 DVD

My rank is:

2.Live at Budokan
3.Images and Words tour\Once in a live Time
4.Scenes From New York

For my opinion Score is the best becouse sound and technical of DT are better other DVDs.the part two with the orchestra is very very beautiful!!!!

DT Rulez


1. Score
2. Live at Budokan
3. Live Scenes From New York
4. Images and Words tour\Once in a live Time

I would have put live at the marquee as 4th if there was a DVD for it, reason is, I think James's voice sounds best in it.


3.Scenes From New York
4.Images and Words\Once in a live Time


Everyones forgetting When Dream and Day Reunite.


But thats a bootleg dvd, a yetse jam release, not one of their official DVDs
But if i were to rank it it would be before last cause WDADU is my least favourite of DT albums but playing metropolis with charlie dominici and derek sherenian was amazing!


also "A walk beside the band" is a bootleg.in my list,there are only official videos.



I'd have to say that each one is better than the one before so,

1. Score
2. Budokan
3. Scenes from NY
4. Images and Words tour\Once in a live Time


1. Budokan
2. Score
3. Images \ LIVEtime
4. Scenes

If you're counting bonus features then Score is first.


Score is a 10, and all the others are a 9.9---of course, I'm biased since I was in Radio City Music Hall when Score was filmed. What an amazing night!
