James LaBrie

Is it just me, or does James Labrie sound amazing on the new album. I have always liked his voice, but it just seems that on this album he goes above my expectations. Especially in Forsaken, he just seems to be right on target. (The whole new album is great)


yes,labrie sing very well in SC and also live is very good

listen this at gods of metal 2007 (i was at this concert and DT play all images and words!!!)


amazing labrie!!!


I liked him best on Scenes from a Memory but, others often disagree with me. I don't really know why, he sounded great as he always does.

"Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!"


Saw James LaBrie live and it was probably the greatest thing. Seeing the whole band was the greatest thing.


Yes...The last 10 years he's been getting better and better as his voice has been recovering from the time in the early 90s when he totally blew it out.
