Did the mother re-marry?

Did she end up with the handyman or the captain?


I think she ended up with the handyman

"I think there's too much burden placed on the orgasm to make up for empty areas in life."


I think so too, but it was interesting that its left undecided at the end.

I was a ballerina! Graceful! DELICATE!


I would hope so. It was left open for interpretation though.


Well, it did say earlier in the movie after the cannon firing scene (where he tells her the boy needs more discipline) that it was then that she lost all respect for the Captain. I would figure that his feeble attempt at an apology the next day still didn't cut it with her and she had much more respect for the man who made her kids (and herself) laugh. I'd say she ended up with the handyman.


C'mon, if you have time to post here, you have time to play http://www.HumorMeOnline.com


I'm positive she will eventually end up with Lewis.
She didn't have any respect for the Captain at the end.
Moreover, she evidently had more chemistry and interest with Lewis.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)
