Saw it, so stupid

I saw it the night it premired and got like an hour though it and gave up. I just couldn't get into it. It was so stupid it wasn't funny.

The plot was good, but other then that. it stunk.

Who else thinks that?

No, I only know how to say, "I don't speak English" in English.


It wasn't that bad compared to some of the Saturday night offerings on Sci-Fi, but it's not going to win any Oscars.

The majority of budget went toward the special effects. Where the basilisk came to life in the museum was cool looking. You have to give the FX people credit.

My biggest complaint about these movies are the little details. Yes, 90 percent of them are filmed in Eastern Europe. They used old Russian Army vehicles. But at least give the U.S. soldiers the right weapons, not AKs made to look like M-16s.


It was a little bit better than most of the made-for- Sci- Fi- Channel films, but it was still pretty bad. I was disappointed that there weren't more people turned to stone in the movie. I mean, we see the Basilisk chomp tons of people, but we only see maybe six characters turned to stone by it, not counting all the statues that the warriors walk past on the way to the creature's nest in the beginning.


"But at least give the U.S. soldiers the right weapons, not AKs made to look like M-16s."

I've seen 50 minutes of it so far and have seen several M-16s but not a single "AK." So I'm not sure what you saw, but there are definitely M-16s in the movie.

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.


Well at least I'm not the only one. I love sci-fi movies like this, but this was just to much. They over did it.

Like that sence when they were in the mall and they pretended to by like maniquins(?) and it just ignored them. Like that would really happen. Ugh!!

Love is what paints the protrait of your life


Could have been a lot worse. I love these Sci-fi offerings, but this one was a bit below par, besides, I don't expect too much. Kudos to Sc-fi for actually making new TV content.....even is it looks a bit cheap sometimes.

Not to mention the Eastern European road signs.



I found it very entertaining! The only part that I didn't like was how the woman in the red dress was carrying around the 24 carat gold staff like it weighed nothing! Was she just super strong or do I have the wrong perception on how much gold weighs? :) Also, if the staff was pure gold AND the jewel, which I assume was a diamond since it was clear, was real, then don't you think they would have had some serious security?

Also, when they shot the bazooka in the man-hole - that was funny! When he shot the bazooka in the man hole, the actually bazooka ammo never blew up?!

Yes, I am pointing out some negative things - but THAT is what makes these movies fun to watch. C'mon, these are GREAT movies to watch with hangovers!

"Got Rock?"


I agree.

hard to tell if the acting was good, since the plot might make sense if we saw more than 8 soldiers on the job with guns and one grenade. I have to blame the direction and the movie budget for making this movie a complete joke.

People's reactions to different situation is inconsistant, overplayed and waaaay too sarcastic. This movie was hopefully not meant as a comedy, still they try to crack jokes even when a giant monster is in their tail. You wont get sucked into this movie at all.

I have almost nothing positive to say about this movie, only watch it if moviefolks being unaware of their stupidity.

I laughed a little when the dungeons and dragons players have almost no reaction to a basilisk roaming the mall. but otherwise.

0,5/10 stars


I agree, way stupid like most SyFy movies.

"You can't kill the boogeyman!"
- Tommy Doyle
