Wasps must die

I would sooner see the wasp disappear from the Earth than the mosquito. Truly evil, repellent creatures. If there ever were creatures that should not live, it would be them.

Never say "Worst movie ever" to someone who's seen Highlander 2


hahaha i just watched this, and i totally agree. I never liked wasps before, but now i hate them. They are the most ruthless insect ever. every time any species of wasps was on this documentary it was killing something, or laying its eggs in something that would later be killed by the babies. it was interesting to see all that though.


Nature developed wasps as a way of controlling other insect populations. They're not inherently good or evil. Only man can be such a thing.


Of course. They just seem diabolical.

~There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.~
