Interesting idea, but....

This will end up just like the Passion did. They are focusing on the death, but not the actions of Jesus. And as much as I would like to see him portrayed as another race than White, the movie shouldn't focus on his death. Nevertheless, I can't wait to see it!

By the way, I am not being racist, it is just interesting when you see something different once in a while.


What do you mean, "it shouldn't focus on His death?" Are you kidding me?


Dude, the actions of the man is what makes him great, not his death. His actions of bringing people back from the dead, curing leprosy, and all those other miracles he did. You shouldn't just focus on the death of Christ. That is just what The Passion did. What is wrong with that?


Actually, his death is the important part. The whole point is that by dying he took the punishment for the sins of the world upon himself. The miracles on earth although wonderous are only cures for the short span of life on earth and not the salvation of the eternal soul.


Even so....would be good to see something he did.


I agree with you mythic_raven.. However, above you is right, he died to save all of us, instead of just one or two people with a miracle.

Regardless it would be nice to show how a man of color back in those days would go about and be received by others.


hahaha! you people really do make me laugh, I am forever taken aback by the gullibility of the mindless masses.

When will you people learn to use your intelligence instead of being deceived by fables?

Your gods are man-made idols to empower some and enslave others.

Use your heads and stop behaving like uncivilized beings of centuries past, has not science taught you anything?

Show some sign that you have learned to reason and not mindlessly follow folklore for the rest of your wasted lives.

It really is pathetic.


You use many words to say nothing. You fail to make a point in fact you have done nothing more than use rhetoric to convey a lack of knowledge. Come on, let us know what you really think. . .

Great spirits always encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds.


I agree with you skidmail.
And i dont understand why people are wasting time beliving in things that apperantly doesn´t even exist. ( please prove me wrong :) )
Isn´t it enough to belive in yourself and your family?

Or maybe you are to weak, and must put your faith in something that dont exist, and was made up by some psychos or something a long time ago.

Have you considered that maybe everything is made up by some people back then?

All that religon has given mankind is war and slaughterd masses.

And yes, it really is pathetic!


"Or maybe you are to weak, and must put your faith in something that dont exist, and was made up by some psychos or something a long time ago."

I'm sorry, but I fail to see where a person getting killed for their Christian beliefs (even in America, Columbine anyone?) makes a person weak. If you had any idea of what it's like to be in a foreign country where your beliefs can get you thrown in jail or killed, I doubt you would then be calling anyone weak. Just because you don't see how it exists, or have had any of that kind of an experience, doesn't mean that others haven't had that kind of experience and that it isn't real to them. Just a thought...


Have you considered that it might actually all be true?

I'm happy living a religious life. It gives me purpose now, and will be well with me in the end. How is that pathetic? What are you doing with your time or your inhibitions that should make me feel jealous?



"Have you considered that it might actually all be true?"

"How is that pathetic?"
Spending your life beliving in something that you dont even know if it exists?

"What are you doing with your time or your inhibitions that should make me feel jealous?"
Im living in reality :)
Its 2007 now.

kotefare, please explain to me what makes you happy living a religious life?
No offence, just curious



You absolute bell-end!

How can you be so sure it is 'fiction'.... Do not mock others' beliefs - what will you do if you're wrong?! FOOL!


Its just my POV bidhendy.

And yes, what will i do if im wrong? I guess the wrath of god will strike me?
Am i a fool cause i dont belive in something that doesn´t exist?

Im sure its just "fiction" but like i said, go ahead and prove me wrong :)


amatsson, if you want proof, just go ahead and read the bible...
it must be true, or do you think 1/3 of the worlds population is wrong?
btw, i´m being ironic

it does not exist any god and jesus was just a man who someone made som good stories about...but I´m absolutly sure that the beast exists and 666 is his number !!


God Bless You Skidmail...I'll be praying for you. I hope that one day you will know the God that I serve. He is the!


You could certainly make that argument, but it depends on whether you're viewing him as a philosopher and rabbi, in which case it's the events of his life that matter most, or whether you're viewing Him as the Messiah, the Son of God, etc., in which case His death matters a great deal, both as an example and, essentially, as a ritual sacrifice (more or less). You know, all that Savior and Redeemer stuff? Which you don't have to believe in, but the rest seems kind of unimportant without it. I mean, Gandhi and Archimedes were both great men who were murdered, and they also accomplished things that were thought to be impossible.

Many people view Jesus as being at a higher level of importance. And Aslan may be more than just a cool lion, too.
