MovieChat Forums > American Zeitgeist (2006) Discussion > Did Zeitgeist blow you away?

Did Zeitgeist blow you away?

I know that this isnt the Zeitgeist movie board, but I am wondering if the Zeitgeist movie changed anyones view on the world, or what? Personally, I was blown away by this film. It just makes sense.


Just to be clear for anyone else, you and I are talking about "Zeitgeist - The Movie"

Oh yeah, after watching the first part on religion, I had to stop and think on it for a while before watching it all over again. I even used those exact words when telling friends and neighbors about it - that "It blew me away" Then I went web searching for the things mentioned in it.

I've seen a lot of what was brought up in the second and third parts already, but it was still well worth watching.

I think everyone should see this at least once. Then do their own research. It's like I tell other people when I mention the 911 stories I've heard and videos I've seen on it - "Don't take my word for it, look it up for yourself - you'll see what I'm talking about."

I hope this movie gets recognition on IMDb. It deserves to be listed.


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Anyone who is interested in the 3rd part needs to go and watch moneymasters on googlevideo for a full history of international banking you just wont learn anywhere else...without a lot of digging


It certainly did. I've never paid any attention to 'conspiracy theories' surrounding 9/11, but I didn't know there was a 3rd tower that collapsed without being hit (I'm not American). I'd also never heard that some of the supposed bombers are alive and well, I'd like to know more about that possibility. The structural information comparing a controlled demolition with the towers' collapse was pretty convincing too.


It didn't really CHANGE my view on the world, but it sure did reinforce alot of the ideas that I have after finding evidence of where this country, and on a larger scale, the world, is headed. Just be careful who you share this movie with, or they might think you are crazy.


The second two acts totally blew me away. I had actually encountered much of that info in bits and pieces before, but to have it all right there perfectly organized was nearly mind-blowing. For the first time in my life I understand exactly why Kennedy was shot.

The movie's weakness for me was in the first act. While I have no trouble believing that the same power that usurped the US government also usurped Christianity-- the claim that religion /per se/ is slavery and Jesus was just a fictional character is unfounded and ludicrous. Were it not for the atheist implications I would forward this movie to everyone I know. As it stands though it just replaces one faulty world view with another.


jeffyrock, im gonna go out on a limb here and assume youre christian? i honestly dont see how anyone can possibly still believe in christ after seeing all those facts presented in the first act. for most rational thinkers such as myself, they didnt even need to watch a movie like this to be convinced that christ is a myth. but why would you still believe in it? organized religion is a cancer of the mind, a mass psychosis. fear not, though. no matter how thoroughly one has been indoctrinated, unlearning is always possible. i "pray" that you come to your senses. if you are in fact not a christian, then the same goes to christians in general, and not just you.



You took the words right out of my mouth.. "Amen" ;)


i dont understand how some people can deny irefutable evidence....oh i forgot the devil foresaw it all to misleed us =)))) or do u have another explenation for all the evidence/explinations/.../ ??? very courios


To be, it didn't. While I do tend to side with a more liberal view of things, this movie left a bad taste in my mouth. For me, it was much too unbalanced an argument to be taken seriously. There was a quite obvious agenda behind the narrative, which sadly, lent it no more credence (at least to me) than some of the republican propaganda out there. Unless there is an unbiased, comprehensive scientific study (with fully accessible sources) into the various (and often unrelated) topics raised in the movie, I remain unmoved. I want hard data rather than opinion and anecdotal evidence- yes, it might be boring and not make for an exciting movie, but I'd prefer those truths over the "truths" that are offered here.


go to the movie's website,, if you want to see the sources used in the film.



Thanks, I've had a look at several of the sources used for this movie, and I must say, most are as skewed to one particular point of view as this movie is. Using a multitude of resources does not necessarily make for more accurate or more "true" reporting. If your data is pooled from resources that only support your viewpoint, what you get is a biased presentation of opinion, not a balanced presentation of facts. This is one major problem with this movie- it only has one viewpoint. It would be far more effective if it presented a counter-argument, or a more balanced rhetoric.
Secondly, who is checking the references for the references? What is the quality of their data? How do we know that they haven't reinterpreted the data in such a way as to support their own arguments? Let me put it this way- say you wanted to make a shocking movie exposing, oh, that the Loch Ness monster really exists (and please remember this is only a hypothetical situation). Would you only use interviews of people who have reported to have seen it? Would you only use books that support those claims? Would you only use photos and film of said monster? If you wanted to make a movie designed to sway people to your way of thinking, you would. But, if you wanted to present a fair argument, you would look at other points of view and other explanations.
This is one of the reasons I just don't buy this movie. Sure, a few of the things that it postulates may be true, I don't deny that. But it's still good old-fashioned propaganda under the guise of an expose, and I don't fancy being a sheep to either this or the republican propaganda machine.


If you beleive what this movie is telling you, you are falling for exactly what they explain is the problem with America - that people take others word for it and dont investigate themselves. Its a solid point, but likewise, if you beleive what this movie is saying to the letter, you are falling for a vast array of misleading information. For instance, much of the parallels in religions they note are not parallels to the original stories. While beleif in Krishna predates Christianity, the specific story about him being crucified came after Christianity, and was probably influenced by Christianity rather than the other way around. In the true story of Krishna, he was killed accidentally by a hunters arrow.

More of Zeitgeists claims are debunked/discussed here:


"If you beleive what this movie is telling you, you are falling for exactly what they explain is the problem with America - that people take others word for it and dont investigate themselves"

So, what you are saying is I shouldnt take your word and believe what you say? How am I supposed to investigate you? So, all in all, what you are writing is pointless? Damn, you even contradicted yourself!
"My father used to touch my butthole" - John Stamos


I guess I left out part of a what I intended to say in that post - If you beleive what this movie is telling you, just because the movie told you it, you are falling for exactly what they explain is the problem with America.

Its all in their statement:
That being said, It is my hope that people will not take what is said
in the film as the truth, but find out for themselves, for truth is not told, it is realized.

They are, to an extent, saying dont take their words and beleive them, but look for yourself. Is that a pointless message? No, though I can see the slight paradox presented. If someone tells you dont just take peoples word for it, look for yourself, why should you take their word not to take peoples word for it? It can go back and forth like most paradoxes, I suppose. Regardless of the paradoxical nature, I think their message has merit.


This movie is just a tool... one should investigate, read, learn and argue all the time.... think! that's the secret behind everything!

I liked the amateur way of describing things, but that's used just for the purpose to include large masses, which in most part are ignorant.

Recommend this movie to everyone!


So I noticed someone mentioned the movie not presenting the counter arguement of the stories... What counter arguement would that be? Considering the movie pretty much blew most people away doesn't require much counter arguement... We know what is told to us, religion, terror (war), and taxes... The only counter arguement is what we already know, on the news and discussed every day... It is the common way that people view all of these different discrepencies, so the counter arguement is pretty obvious, it's what the government tells us... We all know what they tell us. No need to state the obvious.

if only you're mother could hear what comes out of your mouth, or see what goes in it.


To kentrey:

Relax, redsox didn't contradict his or herself at all. (S)he pointed out the irony of those who watch a "documentary" about questioning the validity of arguments and do not question its validity. redsox doesn't need sources, because it's a self-sufficient argument, it's not referring to anything but the movie, which you've presumably seen and the people of America, with whom you're presumably concerned.
Put it this way, you have no less reason to believe them than you do Zeitgeist.
And by my inference of your logic, you have no more reason to believe Zeitgeist than you do The 9/11 Commission.

To OP and others:

An appeal to emotion should always be checked by logic. If you were blown away by it, it's difficult to believe you were thinking about it very seriously and if you're willing to invest the time into researching these issues (I would hope you've read the 9/11 commission report, are well-versed in the political history between the US and the Middle East, have throughly studied ancient religions, Islam, and the history of the monetary standard in the US [all from non-Wikipedia sources] if you think this movie makes any serious points), I would advise watching it again with the pretense that it is probably wrong, and needs to prove itself true. This is a very healthy exercise for dissecting any argument, especially if it's one with which you seem to immediately agree. It's my contention anyway that film (especially with voice over) is a terrible medium for conveying information because of its intrinsic emotional appeal. Books don't move and change topic without giving you the pause to settle down and think rationally.

Besides, we all know that the 9/11 conspiracy hoax was fabricated by the Warren Commission to divert attention from the Kennedy assassination in the wake of the Oliver Stone movie, and its real perpetrators were the Roswell aliens, who actually control the Jewish race and were supposed to invade in 1947 in conjunction with the creation of the State of Israel but were thwarted by Communists in the US military. Let the truth be known!!!
</end irony>

Seriously though, a selective skeptic is no skeptic at all and a sheep doesn't need a large flock to be lead. It's noble to encourage people to think, but only to think "how" not think "that."


"go to the movie's website,, if you want to see the sources used in the film."

I don't know what to say about the second and third sections, but the source list for the first is laughable at best.


There's too much misinformation to lay any praise on the author. The religious claims are based on superficial similarities and outright deception, which could easily be refuted by anyone willing to perform the slightest bit of unbiased research. Those behind this, and the scores of other contradicting claims, are simply sham artists - poor historians who care little for truth. The fact that so many people buy into it doesn't entirely paint modern society in all too good a light.

BTW ... Hate to burst your bubble but the NWO was created by Christians. They're an organization found only in the book of revelations. The modern theories passed around on the net are simply watered down versions of the Christian theories. You can't have both.


stop indoctrinatig people let the people search for themselves


Nope. Been studying the banking system and the elite for awhile. The information didn't blow me away, but the way it was presented was simply amazing.


I’ve already seen this months before. Old news. And I've already made this point on another post. :)

Interesting documentary. Very ‘persuasive’ but sadly misconstrued. Esp the Christian/Pagan comparison, which has been around for centuries. One of the big things is that:

#1 Christians don’t actually believe that Christ was born on December 25th, but decided to celebrate it that day. That alone proves the doco’s material is dubious, poorly researched, and extremely unreliable. The author’s clearly manipulating data to contrive arguments and evidence.

#2 It is only the success of the Roman Catholic Church to fuse pagan practices and Roman culture together with Christian doctrine and theology that gives the “extra baggage” to Christianity even though there a few things the Catholic Church correctly intepreted, like the Nicene Creed.

#3 The documentary isn’t taking into account the fact that the mystery religions (like Horus, Osiris-Dionysus) were (more) grounded in Plato’s worldview (if you actually study them and read their stories outside of the web) while the Gospels and Paul are rooted in the Old Testament, so despite the “astonishing similarities” between Greek/Egyptian stories and the Jesus of the Gospels, every single word means something completely different.

#4 These kinds of arguments were popular in so-called "history of religions" circles until several decades ago, but they were generally abandoned. Atheistic fundamentalists and some people who took older religious studies classes still haven't caught up entirely. The thesis was basically that Christian theology took its primary components from preceding traditions rather than from events which occurred in Jesus' life. Usually it works this way: Jesus preached an inner kingdom of hippie social justice, but Paul put Jesus in the framework of a "mystery religion" (a category of pagan cult contemporary with early xianity). It turns out that you have to read those pagan cults using the terms of Christian theology in order to make that case, but obviously if you're using the terms of Christian theology to read pagan cults then the thesis that the terms of Christian theology are basically lifted out of the mystery religions is false.

Consider the first paragraph on the website "Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth":

"What the ancient evidence will show you is that ancient western culture had a conceptual model of reality, and ancient Christianity adopted that model. Ancient Pagans believed in various levels of divinity, with miraculous powers, coming down and going up to its home in the sky. Divine beings cared about people, listened to and answered their prayers. Gave them the power to prophesy. Even gave them a better deal in the eternal life that comes after death."

So the facts are:
1. They believed in some sort of non-human beings.
2. They beleived that non-human beings had non-human powers.
3. They believed that non-human beings lived in places that humans don't.
4. They believed that non-human beings interacted with humans.
5. They believed that non-human beings could provide humans with non-human knowledge and power.

Obviously these are so vague that we would only be surprised if there weren't people all over the world who believed these kinds of things. This is basically on the order of, "Many people believed things fell from the sky in ancient times, so Newton must have gotten his laws of motion from them." (There exist much better examples than this website, but...)

Leithart offers the interesting epigram, "The Devil has no stories." In other words, because only God can create out of nothing, whenever we make anything it will always be derivative in nature, so any story we write will unavoidably reflect the story, God's story. Hence we get posts like some of those above.

So, are there similarities? Sure, but not any kind of similarities that show that the fundamentals of Christian theology were derived from the mystery religions as opposed to the life of Jesus.

#5 The dilemma of the 911 conspiracy: the doco definitely proved that USA, military and corporations, among other conspirators, are capable of global conspiracy by emphasizing that other forces other than the Al-queda terrorists, are behind everything, yet failing to consider that a more realistic, less exciting alternative maybe the zeolot Muslim fundamentalists.

This really is a silly movie that thinks it has somehow proven things.


The sad thing is that there are people who are shown and still don't see it. But then again like someone else said, truth passed through 3 stages, ridicule, denial, acceptance.

The REALLY sad thing is that you people need to be shown a movie like this at all to help you realize what is going on in the world today. Do you not have enough gray matter to realize these things by yourselves? Are you that busy with your lives that you don't have the time? Or do you simply believe what the tube tells you? What in the hell is going on with you?

Why don't you skip on paris hilton and britney for a week, forget that football game and stop being distracted by things in general. Educate yourselves for only you can truly do so. Years are passing and we're dumbing down, if we continue down this path they'll be whipping us and telling us it doesn't hurt, and we WILL believe them.

This movie should be old news.


well I was blown away enough to make about 30 copies and start handing them out to people I know and they were also blown away by it. hey if things like this get around enough and people start to open their eyes and demand answers it might be the only way to take back the freedom we used to have.

