Our Fate?

after having seen this movie, what do you think mankind's fate is? on the one hand, the global elite have such a profound political, economical and psychological stranglehold of the world, and resistance is getting harder and harder as rights are stripped away systematically, it seems that a microchipped, one world government is an inevitability.
on the other hand, this system of enslavement is a system that's created to fail. humanity's collective intelligence is now greater than it's ever been. if the trend to increase this global intelligence continues, our collective consciousness will reach a critical mass and make this system of slavery unsustainable and subsequently overthrown.
but then again, by the time that happens, it could already be too late as robots have replaced the oppressors and are not our fellow humans (soldiers, police officers).
i'm basically caught in between this duality and can't make up my mind. i'm leaning towards enslavement, but that's probably due to my pessimistic inclination.



I think that worldwide enslavement is impossible.
A worldwide government is doomed to failure, because the people become segregated, and have disagreements, and soon enough the one nation will split into smaller nations again.
Humans need to take care of basic needs themselves (education, food, electricity) instead of relying on the governments, because that gives them power. Power to tamper with it, or remove it completely. If we are self-sustained we are self-reliant, and we can never truly trust anybody but ourselves.
This is of course one of the principles behind an anarchic society, which the government has told us is a bad thing. But that is what they would say isn't it?
The people have so much power, we just have to realize that as an enormous mob of billions of people, nothing can stand in our way. The people have always, and will always prevail over an oppressive government.


if this is true, explain the predicament we are in now? big government and business are clearly dominating the little guy. you are clearly overly optimistic.
plus, you have to think about the future and take advancements in technology into account. consider emerging robotics technology. can you imagine the potential for world policing when the police force is no longer human?



No, because in a capitalist society the little guy can achieve a position in big business and government. All he needs is the motivation and will to work that hard. And a rich family never hurt either.
Robots can easily be disposed of by rebel forces wielding magnetic field disruptors, and it is easy to avoid detection simply by standing still. It's all in science fiction, along with robotic police and totalitarian governments. =)


sure, in THEORY every person has a chance to achieve the american dream, but the playing field is clearly far from level. sure, magnetic field disruptors can be a hindrance but big government will obviously make it quite hard to get ones hands on such technology. as for standing still, i doubt their vision will be limited to simple motion detection.



Just a bit of a crazy thought I had the other day...

Imagine everything is set in place (north america, europe, asia and africa are united), what would be the next logical step for 'the ones behind the curtain'? They'd need a common enemy in order to make people want to merge all these unions together. It would take a long time just for Africa to unite (took 40 years for Europe, the easiest of the four)... So in, oh I don't know, a hundred years, in order for the ones in control to make a single government they would have to present (or manifest) an enemy shared by all of us - aliens.
Think about it, there's already so much talk about it, conspiracy theories and whatnot, it could well be a plan underlayed for us to think it is possible to be attacked by extra-terrestrial beings (it's a thought that can't be disproved at this time anyway, with our knowledge being close to none about the universe). By then it wouldn't be too hard to stage it either, if all their other plans would succeed... it would take fear and terrorism to the global level, forcing everyone to unite for "survival".

just a semi-ludicrous thought :D


nah, the disbelief in aliens is too deep-seated in the collective consciousness.
as for the need for an enemy to unite the public, they could simply manufacture civil wars, or as is evidenced today, depend on an amorphous, invisible enemy that could strike anywhere at anytime (terrorists).


Humans always have to have an enemy. When that enemy is the big all-the-world-goverment, its going to be pretty ugly...

They will probably try and get "proof" there are angry aliens in space so we have something to fear and hate.


SHaGGGz, you say he is overly optimistic, I say you are overly pessimistic.

The world united? What the *beep* are you guys on?

-Chinese Pride-


There will be one world government, eventually.



In your world there will be.

You Americans are just getting paranoid because you guys are experiencing a decline in power. You can't accept the fact China is going to own you in 10-20 years.

-Chinese Pride-


I'm not american and I still think it's going to happen.




"So in, oh I don't know, a hundred years, in order for the ones in control to make a single government they would have to present (or manifest) an enemy shared by all of us - aliens."

Uh, isn't that the premise for the end of Watchmen? haha
