german title

as it was just shown on germen premiere,
the official name is "UNTERFINANZIERT"

please add it


i just added the German title - but why don't you add such information by yourself? It's easy if you're registered.


this is the error i get, when i'm trying to add the information


Thank you for offering to update the alternate title information on IMDb. This section is restricted to more experienced submitters owing to the complex rules involved. We recommend you gain some experience by contributing to other sections of the site before returning to update AKAs at a later date, sorry.

For specific help on updating the IMDb, please see the following guide which covers many common questions. It's usually good to start by submitting simple factual data such as plot keywords or links to other sites in order to understand how the submission process works and then expand into areas such as AKAs which have more complicated rules.

Thank you for your co-operation in helping to ensure the continuing accuracy of AKA information on the IMDb.
