An accomplishment

This is one of those rare transparent movies, due (aside from fantastic writing) to three of the most transparent actors in the world today running its engine. Both Andy Serkis and Samantha Morton have managed to dodge fame by creating characters so complete, the audience is incapable of seeing the actor. Yet there is one actor who defines this trate beyond even these remarkable talents. That man is Jim Broadbent, who just happens to be the man heading this cast. Like he did with Iris, Broadbent embodies a character in this film that is difficult to the point of being impossible, and yet he never falters. Broadbent gives us a wonderful character, exposing his every thought and feeling in a performance that defines depth. A beautiful film that reminds the viewer how powerful forgivness is, and how bright the human spirit can be if one gives it the chance to shine.


Yes. In the special features on the DVD Broadbent in character looks a lot more like the real-life Longford than the real-life Broadbent.


Yep - with you; superb, adult piece of drama.

Rather difficult to watch but perfectly pitched.

Great achievement from all concerned.


Agree. Brilliant work, superb acting-- perhaps portrayal is a better word. The characters are so complete, you don't see the actor. Phenomenal. The writers also deserve great praise. Subtle, profound. Great direction. I believe this film. Splendid.
