The Next 24?

This thing sounds like the next 24, you got Sean Bean who, like Kiefer Sutherland, is an established thespian who has proven that they are more about the intriguing character roles than the big blockbuster leads that have zero depth. You have Joe Carnahan ('Narc' & the upcoming 'Smoking Aces') and Dario Scardapane (an up and coming television creator) as the series creators, which is an intensely intruiging team to have at the helm of a television series. The show is about a federal agent who goes undercover to dismantle a crime syndicate from the inside. This has amazing potential to be the next big television show a la "24". The only thing I hope is that the formula doesn't wear itself out and get stale like Alias did. That show had an amazing first two seasons and then during the third season just sort of sunk into mediocrity. If it manages to keep itself continuously fresh and exciting like "24" it could easily become a growing sensation. Sean Bean is a terrific lead for a show of this type and it seems that Carnahan and Scardapane have hooked him up with a thriving supporting cast as well. I'm always hesitant to watch brand new shows because it seems that most of them fall flat on their proverbial faces. I'll be tuning in to see "Faceless".



Probably after they get through filming --- it is still in production and filming in LA....

What IS the VIGGO Effect? Lots of cold showers


What ever the case, I hope Bean polishes up on his American accent. :P It sounded weird in North Country and (I heard) in Silent Hill.

